THE WEEK IN CHESS 244 - 12th July 1999 by Mark Crowther

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Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) EuroTel Trophy
3) Dortmund Chess Days
4) World Open
5) European Club Cup 1999 for women
6) Garry Kasparov vs the World
7) First Saturday, July
8) Politiken Cup
9) Chess Festival in Bolzano
10) Forthcoming Events and Links

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Games section

Dortmund Cat 19 Tournament         12 games
Dortmund Masters                   15 games
Dortmund Man-Machine                1 game
EuroTel Trophy                      2 games
Kasparov-Harrelson                  1 game
European Club Cup (Women)         167 games
First Saturday IM                  37 games
Politiken Cup                     648 games
Bolzano Open                       70 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to My thanks to Ales Drinovec, Lost Boys, Scott Pendergrast, Michael Atkins, Laszlo Nagy and all those who helped with this issue.

The final elite events are taking place this week before the top players go into preparation for the FIDE World Championships in Las Vegas. Of course there will be plenty of Summer opens to look forward to as the Summer holidays approach. Karpov started with a win in Dortmund, he is currently joint second with Anand behind Peter Leko who is in first with 2.5/3.

Alexei Shirov had the perfect start after two games with Judit Polgar in the EuroTel Trophy in Prague. The organiser of the event is Bessel Kok and he was expected to announce a sponsor for the Anand-Kasparov match slated for later in the year, there was no mention and the story seems to be that no sponsor has been found so far.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) EuroTel Trophy

The EuroTel Trophy is taking place in Prague, the Czech Republic, from 10th to 18th July 1999. The EuroTel Trophy is being attended by Garry Kasparov - the winner of EuroTel Trophy 1998. The match is between Judit Polgar and Alexei Shirov. The first two games were won by Alexei Shirov.

The games start at 2:30pm CET, and will be played with the time control of 40 moves in 2 hours, followed by 20 moves in 1 hour, followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game. Internet coverage at:, additional coverage at: The six games will take place on July 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18 1999. Garry Kasparov who won the EuroTel Trophy last year will present the trophy to the winner.

Bessel Kok, Chairman of Eurotel Prague, opened the event but didn't make the expected announcement about a sponsor for the Kasparov-Anand match later in the year.

Kasparov was there for the first two games of the event and he played a lighthearted game against Woody Harrelson (he appeared in Cheers), the game ended in a draw, Harrelson had a bit of help from players like Seirawan who stopped him playing a couple of not so good ideas.

Shirov, Alexei  -  Polgar, Judit   1-0   35  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Polgar, Judit   -  Shirov, Alexei  0-1   35  C11  French; Classical

Prague CZE (CZE), 11-18 vii 1999
                             1   2   3   4   5   6 
Shirov, Alexei  g ESP 2726    1   1   .   .   .   .   2.0      
Polgar, Judit   g HUN 2677    0   0   .   .   .   .   0.0      

3) Dortmund Chess Days

The Category 19 27th Dortmund Chess Days event has started. Viswanathan Anand, Vladimir Kramnik, Anatoly Karpov, Michael Adams, Veselin Topalov, Peter Leko, Jan Timman and Ivan Sokolov play in the 8 player single round robin event. The Super Tournament will run 10th to 17th July (round robin) the other events include a Master Tournament (cat. 9/10) and an Open from 9th to 18th July. Venue the Main Opera House in Dortmund City Center. Karpov drew against World Computer Champion Shredder in an exhibition match.

The event is being lead by Peter Leko who has started with 2/3.

Official www site at:

Additional coverage of the GM-tournament, Master, Open A and Open B at by Gerhard Hund.

Round 1 (July 10, 1999)

Leko, Peter         -  Kramnik, Vladimir   1/2   26  C42  Petroff defence
Karpov, Anatoly     -  Sokolov, Ivan       1-0   39  E63  Kings indian
Anand, Viswanathan  -  Topalov, Veselin    1/2   51  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Adams, Michael      -  Timman, Jan H       1-0   45  B43  Sicilian

Round 2 (July 11, 1999)

Kramnik, Vladimir   -  Karpov, Anatoly     1/2   26  D27  QGA;
Adams, Michael      -  Anand, Viswanathan  1/2   33  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Topalov, Veselin    -  Leko, Peter         0-1   48  C65  Ruy Lopez
Timman, Jan H       -  Sokolov, Ivan       1/2   43  A27  English; 1.c4 e5

Round 3 (July 12, 1999)

Leko, Peter         -  Adams, Michael      1-0   30  C89  Ruy Lopez
Karpov, Anatoly     -  Topalov, Veselin    1/2   45  A00  Irregular
Anand, Viswanathan  -  Timman, Jan H       1-0   47  C18  French; Winawer
Sokolov, Ivan       -  Kramnik, Vladimir   1/2   18  D18  Slav defence

Dortmund GER (GER), 10-17 vii 1999          cat. XIX (2706)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
1 Leko, Peter         g HUN 2694 * . . = 1 1 . .  2.5  2995
2 Karpov, Anatoly     g RUS 2710 . * . = . = 1 .  2.0  2816
3 Anand, Viswanathan  g IND 2781 . . * . = = . 1  2.0  2820
4 Kramnik, Vladimir   g RUS 2751 = = . * . . = .  1.5  2676
5 Adams, Michael      g ENG 2716 0 . = . * . . 1  1.5  2715
6 Topalov, Veselin    g BUL 2700 0 = = . . * . .  1.0  2603
7 Sokolov, Ivan       g BIH 2624 . 0 . = . . * =  1.0  2585
8 Timman, Jan H       g NED 2670 . . 0 . 0 . = *  0.5  2434

Masters Event

Round 1 (July 9, 1999)

Schmittdiel, Eckhard   -  Poldauf, Dirk          1-0   72  C01  French; Exchange
Petrosian, Arshak B    -  Mikhalchishin, Adrian  1/2   19  A81  Dutch defence
Maric, Alisa           -  Varga, Zoltan          1/2   48  A34  English; 1.c4 c5
Mainka, Gregor         -  Feigin, Mihail         0-1   39  D02  Queen's pawn
Naiditsch, Arkadij     -  Bischoff, Klaus        0-1   54  A14  English; 1.c4

Round 2 (July 10, 1999)

Bischoff, Klaus        -  Schmittdiel, Eckhard   1/2   16  E11  Bogo indian
Maric, Alisa           -  Naiditsch, Arkadij     1/2   36  A15  English; 1.c4
Poldauf, Dirk          -  Petrosian, Arshak B    1/2   49  A13  English; 1.c4
Varga, Zoltan          -  Feigin, Mihail         0-1   46  C01  French; Exchange
Mikhalchishin, Adrian  -  Mainka, Gregor         0-1   33  A27  English; 1.c4 e5

Round 3 (July 11, 1999)

Feigin, Mihail         -  Mikhalchishin, Adrian  1/2   51  C45  Scottish
Schmittdiel, Eckhard   -  Maric, Alisa           1/2   41  B14  Caro-Kann
Petrosian, Arshak B    -  Bischoff, Klaus        1/2   69  E08  Nimzo indian
Mainka, Gregor         -  Poldauf, Dirk          0-1   55  A49  Queen's pawn
Naiditsch, Arkadij     -  Varga, Zoltan          0-1   22  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)

Dortmund GER (GER), 9-17 vii 1999                    cat. IX (2475)
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 
 1 Feigin, Mihail         m UKR 2500 * . . . . . 1 = 1 .  2.5  2740
 2 Schmittdiel, Eckhard   g GER 2483 . * = . = 1 . . . .  2.0  2603
 3 Bischoff, Klaus        g GER 2521 . = * = . . . . . 1  2.0  2597
 4 Petrosian, Arshak B    g ARM 2508 . . = * . = . = . .  1.5  2499
 5 Maric, Alisa           m YUG 2481 . = . . * . = . . =  1.5  2475
 6 Poldauf, Dirk          m GER 2434 . 0 . = . * . . 1 .  1.5  2444
 7 Varga, Zoltan          g HUN 2518 0 . . . = . * . . 1  1.5  2468
 8 Mikhalchishin, Adrian  g SLO 2542 = . . = . . . * 0 .  1.0  2325
 9 Mainka, Gregor           GER 2342 0 . . . . 0 . 1 * .  1.0  2367
10 Naiditsch, Arkadij     f GER 2425 . . 0 . = . 0 . . *  0.5  2233

4) World Open

The 27th Annual World Open in Philadelphia, with $200,000 worth of prizes finished on July 5th.

Scott Pendergrast reports: Ten players tied for first at the World Open with 7 points. The winners included: GMs Jaan Ehlvest, Joel Benjamin, Igor Novikov, Gregory Serper, George Timoshenko, Alex Yermolinsky, Vladimir Akopian, Boris Gulko, Alexander Shabalov, and Alexander Fishbein. The last major game of the tournament was between GM Alexander Ivanov and GM Akopian. A win by Ivanov would have made him the tournament's sole winner but he pushed too hard and lost in a complicated struggle. After much debate, seven of the winners agreed to participate in a round-robin speed chess playoff that ended with GMs Gulko and Serper tied for first. A final one-game match (with draw odds for Black) was played. Serper (with Black) emerged with the draw and thus became the 1999 World Open Champion.

Leading final standings:
 1 Vladimir Akopian        2724 7.0
 2 Jan Ehlvest             2721 7.0
 3 Boris Gulko             2706 7.0
 4 Igor Novikov            2692 7.0
 5 Alex Yermolinsky        2684 7.0
 6 Joel Benjamin           2658 7.0
 7 George Timoshenko       2625 7.0
 8 Alexander Shabalov      2624 7.0
 9 Gregory Serper          2615 7.0
10 Alexande Fishbein       2589 7.0
11 Artashes Minasian       2705 6.5
12 Giorgi Kacheishvili     2637 6.5
13 Alberto David           2633 6.5
14 Benjamin Finegold       2604 6.5
15 Pavel Blatny            2599 6.5
16 Alexander Stripunsky    2580 6.5
17 Boris Kreiman           2577 6.5
18 Alexander Ivanov        2572 6.5
19 Norik Kalantarian       2481 6.5
20 Kamuil Miton            2481 6.5
21 Angelo Young            2469 6.5
22 William Paschall        2414 6.5
23 Anthony J Miles         2669 6.0  
24 Victor Bologan          2655 6.0
25 John P Fedorowicz       2617 6.0
26 Sergey Kudrin           2613 6.0
27 Dmitry Gurevich         2601 6.0
28 Alex I Sherzer          2580 6.0
29 Gennady Sagalchik       2545 6.0
30 Eugene Perelshteyn      2503 6.0
31 Michael A Mulyar        2495 6.0
32 Julio Ostos             2430 6.0
33 Andrei Zaremba          2426 6.0
34 Stephen Muhammad        2385 6.0
35 Tansel Turgut           2353 6.0
36 Alexander Goldin        2711 5.5
37 Alek Wojtkiewicz        2683 5.5
38 Larry Christiansen      2663 5.5
39 Suat Atalik             2644 5.5
40 A Hauchard              2624 5.5
41 Gildardo Garcia         2591 5.5
42 Aaron Summerscale       2540 5.5
43 Jorge Sammour-Hasbun    2536 5.5
44 Rashid Ziatdinov        2520 5.5
45 Jorge Szmetan           2503 5.5
46 V Saravanan             2496 5.5
47 Jay Bonin               2476 5.5
48 Irina Krush             2471 5.5
49 Ronald W Burnett        2466 5.5
50 Dean Ippolito           2452 5.5
51 Rafael Araque           2404 5.5
52 Eric N Cooke            2381 5.5
53 Peter Bereolos          2380 5.5
54 Alexander Kalikshteyn   2359 5.5
55 Anjelina Belakovskaia   2359 5.5
56 Guillermo Ruiz Gonzalez 2359 5.5
57 Dan Shapiro             2344 5.5
58 Paul Mac Intyre         2329 5.5
59 Sean Nagle              2327 5.5
60 Ilye Figler             2295 5.5
61 Zakhar Fayvinov         2281 5.5
62 Boris Reichstein        2275 5.5
63 Hikaru Nakamura         2253 5.5
64 Bryan G Smith           2202 5.5
65 Denis Strenzwilk        2200 5.5
...228 players

World Open Blitz by Michael Atkins

"IM Ben Finegold's 7 year 100% victory streak in WBCA blitz events came to an end in this morning's World Open blitz tournament. Over that 7 year period his WBCA blitz rating had climbed to 2776, good for third in the world behind Kasparov and Kramnik. After defeating English GM Aaron Summerscale 2-0 in the third round and World Under-14 Champion Kamuil Miton 2-0 in the 4th round, Finegold was 8-0 and looking to continue the amazing streak. He ran into a solid wall in the form of Polish GM Alek Wojtkiewicz and lost the final match 2-0. Wojtkiewicx took clear first and Jorge Sammour-Hasbun took clear second ahead of Finegold who finished third. 43 players participated in the last event of the 1999 World Open. Look for games in Blitz Chess Magazine, and several will be on the World Open website as well."

1999 World Open WBCA Blitz
    Name                     rtng rd 1  rd 2  rd 3  rd 4  rd 5   TOT
  1 Wojtkiewicz, Alek........2683 $ 22  & 20  $  7  $  5  $  3   9.5
  2 Sammour-Hasbun, Jo.......2536 $ 16  $ 21  W  5  $ 12  $ 11   9.0
  3 Finegold, Benjamin.......2604 $ 17  $  6  $  4  $  9  L  1   8.0
  4 Summerscale, Aaron.......2487 $ 23  $ 13  L  3  $ 30  &  9   7.5 
  5 Ehlvest, Jan.............2721 $ 34  $ 19  W  2  L  1  $ 21   7.0
  6 Times, Lawyer............2218 $ 33  L  3  $ 22  W  8  $ 26   7.0
  7 Wilson, Lester...........2057 $ 27  & 28  L  1  $ 15  & 10   7.0
  8 Turner, Bill A...........2022 $ 42  W 12  W 15  W  6  $ 19   7.0
  9 Miton, Kamuil............2481 $ 39  $ 30  $ 11  L  3  D  4   6.5
 10 Kurtzman, Mark...........2180 B---  W 15  $ 31  $ 16  D  7   6.5
 11 Turner, Matthew..........2563 $ 35  $ 29  L  9  $ 28  L  2   6.0
 12 Escebedo, Tim............2373 $ 31  W  8  $ 14  L  2  W 13   6.0

5) European Club Cup 1999 for women

Nova Gorica was the venue for the European Club Cup 1999 for Women which took place June 28th-July 5th 1999. The Ukranian team MSVRCC Kherson won the event.

Results and games at:

Final Standings
                              Rating                            MT  T  MTB
  1. MSVRCC-KHERSON (UKR)     2419.5                            12    20  58.0
       (B 5  2.5)(W 8    3)(B 2    3)(W 3    2)(B 6    4)(W 4    2)(B 7  3.5)
       1. Zhukova, Natalia           2456 2456 5.5/7   0.72
       2. Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina    2499 2499 5.0/7  -0.04
       3. Vasilevich, Tatjana        2395 2395 5.5/7   0.88
       4. Melamed, Tatiana           2328 2328 4.0/7  -0.62
  2. AEM-LUXTEN TIMIS. (ROM)  2405.8                            10    18  56.0
       (W10  2.5)(B 4  3.5)(W 1    1)(B 9    4)(B 3    2)(W 5    3)(B 6    2)
       1. Ioseliani, Nana (IM)       2493 2493 5.0/7   0.24
       2. Peptan, Corina (IM)        2427 2427 4.5/7   0.02
       3. Foisor, Cristina Adela (I  2370 2370 3.5/7  -0.98
       4. Olarasu, Gabriela          2333 2333 5.0/7   0.24
  3. GS KIEV (UKR)            2307.0                            10    17  53.0
       (B12    4)(W 6    2)(B 4  2.5)(B 1    2)(W 2    2)(W 7    2)(B 8  2.5)
       1. Zatonskih, Anna            2326 2326 3.5/7   0.28
       2. Kononenko, Tatiana         2295 2295 5.0/7   1.85
       3. Zozulia, Anna              2327 2327 4.5/7   0.37
       4. Semenova, Lidia K          2280 2280 3.0/4   0.64
       5. Kalinina, Vladislava       2199 2199 1.0/3  -0.44
  4. BAS (Yugoslavia)         2351.0                             9  17.5  52.0
       (B 7    3)(W 2  0.5)(W 3  1.5)(B11  3.5)(W10  3.5)(B 1    2)(W 9  3.5)
       1. Bojkovic, Natasa           2424 2424 5.0/7   0.10
       2. Khurtsidze, Nino           2405 2405 5.0/7   0.10
       3. Vuksanovic, Sanja          2354 2354 3.0/6  -0.90
       4. Velickovski-Kostic, Maja   2221 2221 3.5/6   0.08
       5. Markovic, Gordana          2266 2266 1.0/2  -0.24
  5. ALISA-KAZAN (RUS)        2274.8                             8    15  46.0
       (W 1  1.5)(B 9    2)(W11  2.5)(W 6    2)(B 8  2.5)(B 2    1)(W12  3.5)
       1. Mashinskaya, Iulia         2354 2354 1.0/7  -1.04
       2. Zayac, Elena               2293 2293 4.5/7   0.86
       3. Grabuzova, Tatiana         2281 2281 5.5/7   1.23
       4. Khusnutdinova, Luiza       2171 2171 4.0/7   0.50
  6. Partizan (Yugoslavia)    2315.5                             8  13.5  53.0
       (W 9    2)(B 3    2)(W10  2.5)(B 5    2)(W 1    0)(B11    3)(W 2    2)
       1. Prudnikova, Svetlana       2415 2415 4.5/7   0.02
       2. Shumiakina, Tatiana        2407 2407 4.5/7  -0.19
       3. Maksimovic, Suzana         2228 2228 3.0/7  -0.36
       4. Nikolin, Zorica            2212 2212 1.5/7  -2.21
  7. SIRVINTA (Lithuania)     2152.5                             7  14.5  45.0
       (W 4    1)(B11    1)(W12    4)(B10  2.5)(W 9  3.5)(B 3    2)(W 1  0.5)
       1. Varniene, Rita             2150 2150 4.0/7   0.84
       2. Dambravaite, Asta          2151 2151 3.0/7   0.48
       3. Domarkaite, Laima          2210 2210 3.5/7  -0.07
       4. Ciuksyte, Zivile           2099 2099 4.0/7   0.99
  8. BELISCE-METALIS (CRO)    2286.7                             6    15  44.0
       (W11    3)(B 1    1)(W 9  0.5)(B12    4)(W 5  1.5)(B10  3.5)(W 3  1.5)
       1. Lakos, Nikoletta           2346 2346 3.5/7  -0.91
       2. Medic, Mirjana             2327 2327 3.0/7  -1.41
       3. Puljek-Salai, Zorica       2275 2275 0.0/0
       4. Macek, Vlasta              2199 2199 4.5/7   0.93
       5. Djeno-Jelica, Mara         2239 2239 4.0/7  -0.48
  9. SC LEIPZIG-GOHLIS (FRG)  2152.5                             5  10.5  49.0
       (B 6    2)(W 5    2)(B 8  3.5)(W 2    0)(B 7  0.5)(W12    2)(B 4  0.5)
       1. Elschner, Annegret         2138 2138 2.0/6  -0.35
       2. Beltz, Martina             2190 2190 2.0/6  -0.04
       3. Ulms, Sandra               2116 2116 2.0/6   0.32
       4. Hausmann, Ilka             2166 2166 2.5/5   0.05
       5. Schuster, Birgit           2084 2084 2.0/5   0.35
 10. SK NOVA GORICA (SLO)     2226.8                             4  11.5  43.0
       (B 2  1.5)(W12    3)(B 8  1.5)(W 7  1.5)(B 4  0.5)(W 8  0.5)(W11    3)
       1. Sedina, Elena (IM)         2374 2374 1.5/4  -0.06
       2. Grosar, Kiti               2214 2214 2.0/4   0.20
       3. Mihevc, Narcisa            2158 2158 2.0/6   0.14
       4. Krivec, Jana               2161 2161 1.5/7  -1.58
       5. Srebrnic, Ana              2118 2118 4.5/7   1.42
 11. MARGIRIS (Lithuania)     2053.5                             4  10.5  43.0
       (B 8    1)(W 7    3)(B 5  1.5)(W 4  0.5)(B12  2.5)(W 6    1)(B10    1)
       1. Zaksaite, Salomeja         2070 2070 4.0/7   1.68
       2. Batyte, Daiva              2124 2124 2.5/7   0.33
       3. Zakrevskaja, Daiva         2020 2020 2.5/7   0.75
       4. Radzvilaviciene, Daiva     2000 2000 1.5/7  -0.60
 12. CARINTIA (Austria)       2100.2                             1     5  44.0
       (W 3    0)(B10    1)(B 7    0)(W 8    0)(W11  1.5)(B 9    2)(B 5  0.5)
       1. Mira, Helene               2177 2177 1.0/5  -1.00

       2. Borek, Jutta               2122 2122 0.5/6  -1.78
       3. Horvath, Maria             2067 2067 0.0/6  -1.80
       4. Hennings, Margit           2035 2035 2.0/6   0.32
       5. Lukan, Dunja               2000 2000 1.5/5  -0.15
                                              Arbiter: Janko Bohak

6) Garry Kasparov vs the World

The Garry Kasparov vs. the World chess tournament. The event continues, you can follow the game at: It allows players to consult in choosing which move is played against Kasparov. Players can vote for one of the suggested moves or for their own recommended move. The move with the most votes will be chosen as the world team's move. There is a team of coaches Etienne Bacrot, 16, Florin Felecan, 19, Irina Krush, 15, and Elisabeth Pähtz, 14 who will aid the choice of moves and GM Danny King will act as moderator during the match. Moves so far 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Bd7 4. Bxd7+ Qxd7 5. c4 Nc6 6. Nc3 Nf6 7. 0-0 g6 8. d4 cxd4 9. Nxd4 Bg7 10 Nde2 Qe6 11. Nd5.

7) First Saturday, July

Laszlo Nagy reports: The July First Saturday event started Jujy 3rd in Budapest. The Category II IM event has IM Gerhard Schleber leading with 6/7 in this 13 round event.

You can contact Laszlo Nagy about his First Saturday events. E-mail: webpages: and Tel-fax: (361)-263-28-59

Round 3 (July 5, 1999)

Pham Minh Hoang    -  Schebler, Gerhard  0-1   43  A37  English; 1.c4 c5
Friedrichs, Klaus  -  Aumann, Welf       1/2   24  B99  Sicilian; Najdorf
Balogh, Csaba      -  Husari, Sate       1/2   36  C83  Ruy Lopez
Kiss, Gedeon       -  Serrer, Christoph  1/2   31  B10  Caro-Kann
Vadasz, Laszlo     -  Farago, Sandor     1/2   12  A38  English; 1.c4 c5
Szeberenyi, Adam   -  Toth, Andras       0-1   35  E94  Kings indian; Classical
Fordan, Tibor      -  Krutti, Valer      1/2   27  E54  Nimzo indian

Round 4 (July 6, 1999)

Schebler, Gerhard  -  Kiss, Gedeon       1-0   32  A11  English; 1.c4
Krutti, Valer      -  Balogh, Csaba      1/2   41  A17  English; 1.c4
Toth, Andras       -  Friedrichs, Klaus  1/2   28  B01  Scandinavian
Husari, Sate       -  Pham Minh Hoang    1/2   60  A74  Modern Benoni
Aumann, Welf       -  Fordan, Tibor      1/2   60  A30  English; 1.c4 c5
Vadasz, Laszlo     -  Szeberenyi, Adam   1/2   12  D30  Queen's gambit
Farago, Sandor     -  Serrer, Christoph  1/2   12  B18  Caro-Kann

Round 5 (July 7, 1999)

Pham Minh Hoang    -  Krutti, Valer      1-0   43  A12  English; 1.c4
Friedrichs, Klaus  -  Vadasz, Laszlo     1/2   33  E17  Nimzo indian
Serrer, Christoph  -  Schebler, Gerhard  1/2   24  B76  Sicilian; Dragon
Balogh, Csaba      -  Aumann, Welf       0-1   43  C16  French; Winawer
Kiss, Gedeon       -  Husari, Sate       1/2   37  C78  Ruy Lopez
Szeberenyi, Adam   -  Farago, Sandor     1-0   33  E12  Nimzo indian
Fordan, Tibor      -  Toth, Andras       0-1   66  E97  Kings indian; Main line

Round 6 (July 8, 1999)

Krutti, Valer      -  Kiss, Gedeon       1-0   39  E73  Kings indian
Toth, Andras       -  Balogh, Csaba      1/2   35  B67  Sicilian
Husari, Sate       -  Serrer, Christoph  1/2   14  D14  Slav defence
Aumann, Welf       -  Pham Minh Hoang    0-1   49  A30  English; 1.c4 c5

Vadasz, Laszlo     -  Fordan, Tibor      1/2   18  D34  Queen's gambit
Szeberenyi, Adam   -  Friedrichs, Klaus  0-1   30  E14  Nimzo indian
Farago, Sandor     -  Schebler, Gerhard  0-1   40  E62  Kings indian

Round 7 (July 9, 1999)

Schebler, Gerhard  -  Husari, Sate       1/2   46  A49  Queen's pawn
Pham Minh Hoang    -  Toth, Andras       1-0   32  E99  Kings indian; Main line
Friedrichs, Klaus  -  Farago, Sandor     1-0    0
Serrer, Christoph  -  Krutti, Valer      0-1   44  A41  Queen's pawn

Balogh, Csaba      -  Vadasz, Laszlo     1-0   28  B30  Sicilian
Kiss, Gedeon       -  Aumann, Welf       1-0   29  C16  French; Winawer
Fordan, Tibor      -  Szeberenyi, Adam   1/2   48  D88  Gruenfeld indian

Budapest HUN (HUN), 5-15 vii 1999                        cat. II (2287)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Schebler, Gerhard  m GER 2439 * 1 . . . = . = 1 1 . . 1 1  6.0  2580
 2 Pham Minh Hoang      VIE 2357 0 * 1 . 1 = 1 = . 1 . . . .  5.0  2478
 3 Krutti, Valer      m HUN 2354 . 0 * 1 . . . 1 = 1 . 1 = .  5.0  2402
 4 Friedrichs, Klaus    GER 2144 . . 0 * = 1 = . . . = 1 . 1  4.5  2408
 5 Toth, Andras         HUN 2301 . 0 . = * . . . = . = 1 1 =  4.0  2302
 6 Husari, Sate         SYR 2305 = = . 0 . * . = = = . . 1 .  3.5  2266
 7 Aumann, Welf         GER 2299 . 0 . = . . * . 1 0 1 = = .  3.5  2244
 8 Serrer, Christoph  f GER 2285 = = 0 . . = . * = = . . . =  3.0  2259
 9 Balogh, Csaba        HUN 2135 0 . = . = = 0 = * . 1 . . .  3.0  2274
10 Kiss, Gedeon         HUN 2259 0 0 0 . . = 1 = . * . . . 1  3.0  2286
11 Vadasz, Laszlo     g HUN 2287 . . . = = . 0 . 0 . * = = =  2.5  2144
12 Szeberenyi, Adam     HUN 2287 . . 0 0 0 . = . . . = * = 1  2.5  2175
13 Fordan, Tibor        HUN 2245 0 . = . 0 0 = . . . = = * .  2.0  2166
14 Farago, Sandor     m HUN 2314 0 . . 0 = . . = . 0 = 0 . *  1.5  2056

8) Politiken Cup

The Politiken Cup started in Copenhagen on July 3rd, the event runs through until July 12th. Official coverage at: Nick DeFirmian, Alexander Baburin, Sune Berg Hansen, Lars Schandorff, Henrik Danielsen, Tiger Hillarp Persson, Chris Ward and Luke McShane are amongst the 163 players competing.

There are five players sharing first place with one round to go, these are Sune Berg Hansen, Stefan Schneider (who has already scored an IM norm), number one seed Nick DeFirmian, Lars Schandorff and the young British hope Luke McShane.

Copenhagen DEN (DEN), 4-12 vii 1999
                                                1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9 
  1 DeFirmian, Nick E             g USA 2610  + 75 + 42 = 32 +  3 + 54 = 15 = 18 + 21   .   6.5 /8  2566
  2 Hansen, Sune Berg             g DEN 2499  + 78 + 60 + 25 + 21 -  6 + 30 =  7 + 18   .   6.5 /8  2590
  3 Schneider, Stefan               SWE 2335  +102 + 73 + 56 -  1 + 44 + 19 +  6 =  4   .   6.5 /8  2601
  4 Schandorff, Lars              g DEN 2527  = 55 =101 +121 + 49 + 26 + 33 + 10 =  3   .   6.5 /8  2441
  5 McShane, Luke J               m ENG 2497  - 96 +125 +119 + 46 = 51 + 72 + 20 + 15   .   6.5 /8  2408
  6 Baburin, Alexander            g IRL 2586  + 62 = 37 + 65 + 11 +  2 =  7 -  3 + 30   .   6.0 /8  2466
  7 Lyrberg, Patrik               m SWE 2409  + 82 = 24 + 66 + 71 + 31 =  6 =  2 =  8   .   6.0 /8  2485
  8 Ward, Christopher             g ENG 2482  + 97 + 63 + 38 = 31 = 29 + 25 = 15 =  7   .   6.0 /8  2500
  9 Larsen, Peter                   DEN 2261  +130 + 50 = 29 = 13 + 36 + 17 - 21 + 35   .   6.0 /8  2494
 10 Mah, Karl                     f ENG 2276  + 99 = 79 + 83 = 17 + 24 + 29 -  4 + 31   .   6.0 /8  2460
 11 El-Kher, Henrik                 DEN 2338  +111 + 68 = 71 -  6 + 28 + 56 + 54 = 16   .   6.0 /8  2420
 12 Bosch, Jeroen                 m NED 2476  = 98 +116 + 27 = 22 = 60 + 57 = 35 + 38   .   6.0 /8  2393
 13 Jakobsen, Ole                 m DEN 2373  + 72 = 64 + 94 =  9 = 58 = 34 + 76 + 37   .   6.0 /8  2386
 14 Larsen, Karsten                 DEN 2280  + 90 + 67 - 19 = 79 = 71 +124 + 44 + 29   .   6.0 /8  2366
 15 Hoi, Carsten                  m DEN 2378  + 85 + 49 + 58 = 18 + 16 =  1 =  8 -  5   .   5.5 /8  2485
 16 Bekker-Jensen, Simon            DEN 2360  = 52 + 98 + 37 + 32 - 15 = 22 + 42 = 11   .   5.5 /8  2365
 17 Van der Weide, Karel          m NED 2481  + 92 = 65 + 64 = 10 + 40 -  9 + 34 = 25   .   5.5 /8  2340
 18 Mortensen, Erling             m DEN 2424  + 87 + 74 + 51 = 15 = 30 + 38 =  1 -  2   .   5.5 /8  2456
 19 Hillarp Persson, Tiger        m SWE 2482  +121 + 43 + 14 = 54 = 33 -  3 = 51 + 58   .   5.5 /8  2375
 20 Peelen, Piet                  f NED 2380  +110 + 46 = 57 = 24 = 22 + 63 -  5 + 52   .   5.5 /8  2338
 21 Barkhagen, Jonas              m SWE 2415  +119 + 76 + 40 -  2 = 34 + 53 +  9 -  1   .   5.5 /8  2449
 22 Bekker-Jensen, David            DEN 2263  +129 +113 = 33 = 12 = 20 = 16 = 23 + 62   .   5.5 /8  2426
 23 Danielsen, Henrik             g DEN 2506  +100 = 27 + 53 - 30 + 75 = 32 = 22 + 60   .   5.5 /8  2361
 24 Carlsson, Pontus                SWE 2141  +141 =  7 + 59 = 20 - 10 = 36 +102 + 51   .   5.5 /8  2385
 25 Nilssen, John Arni              FAI 2320  +126 + 69 -  2 + 68 + 76 -  8 + 80 = 17   .   5.5 /8  2418
 26 Olsen, Heini                    FAI 2315  +123 = 83 = 79 + 67 -  4 + 73 = 27 + 63   .   5.5 /8  2331
 27 Christensen, Thomas             DEN 2257  +137 = 23 - 12 = 94 +119 + 95 = 26 + 54   .   5.5 /8  2358
 28 Dongart, Dennis                 DEN 2163  +151 - 40 +137 = 41 - 11 +120 + 57 + 53   .   5.5 /8  2282
 29 Adamski, Jan                  m POL 2402  + 86 + 45 =  9 + 61 =  8 - 10 + 41 - 14   .   5.0 /8  2284
 30 Skytte, Rasmus                  DEN 2277  +105 + 47 = 61 + 23 = 18 -  2 + 45 -  6   .   5.0 /8  2393
 31 Pedersen, Steffen             m DEN 2418  +127 + 39 + 41 =  8 -  7 = 51 + 40 - 10   .   5.0 /8  2332
 32 Hardarson, Robert             f ISL 2334  + 84 + 80 =  1 - 16 + 65 = 23 = 62 = 39   .   5.0 /8  2335
 33 Aagaard, Jacob                m DEN 2399  +108 + 44 = 22 + 57 = 19 -  4 - 37 + 55   .   5.0 /8  2338
 34 Sylvan, Jacob                   DEN 2271  + 88 +106 - 54 + 48 = 21 = 13 - 17 + 80   .   5.0 /8  2328
 35 Hedman, Erik                  f SWE 2348  + 95 - 61 + 92 = 56 + 79 + 58 = 12 -  9   .   5.0 /8  2247
 36 Brinck-Claussen, Bjorn        m DEN 2330  +104 - 56 + 96 + 73 -  9 = 24 + 66 = 43   .   5.0 /8  2217
 37 Hvenekilde, Jorgen              DEN 2245  +144 =  6 - 16 + 83 = 62 +106 + 33 - 13   .   5.0 /8  2340
 38 Matthiesen, Martin              DEN 2278  +112 +118 -  8 + 80 + 45 - 18 + 72 - 12   .   5.0 /8  2326
 39 Petersen, Peter Birk            DEN 2207  +135 - 31 + 91 - 75 + 87 = 52 +104 = 32   .   5.0 /8  2201
 40 Jorgensen, Michael              DEN 2274  +149 + 28 - 21 +124 - 17 + 71 - 31 + 73   .   5.0 /8  2325
 41 Baecklund,Anders                    ----  +145 +124 - 31 = 28 = 99 + 50 - 29 + 71   .   5.0 /8  2244
 42 Rasmussen, Casper               DEN 2240  +125 -  1 - 72 + 88 +121 + 48 - 16 + 84   .   5.0 /8  2232
 43 Sinkbak,Aage                        ----  +109 - 19 = 97 = 52 + 96 =103 + 98 = 36   .   5.0 /8  2210
 44 Christensen, Stefan             DEN 2197  +139 - 33 + 89 + 95 -  3 + 85 - 14 + 72   .   5.0 /8  2221
 45 Vistisen, Lars                  DEN 2213  +133 - 29 +111 +100 - 38 + 99 - 30 + 82   .   5.0 /8  2220
 46 Nolsoe, Eydun                   FAI 2192  +117 - 20 +101 -  5 -115 +129 + 85 + 93   .   5.0 /8  2204
 47 Schmied, Andreas                GER 2162  +138 - 30 = 99 - 53 +109 = 82 +110 + 70   .   5.0 /8  2204
 48 Nielsen, Morten                 DEN 2077  +159 - 51 +149 - 34 + 89 - 42 +111 + 74   .   5.0 /8  2217
 49 Maarup, Michael                 DEN 2145  +157 - 15 +126 -  4 - 52 +116 +115 + 90   .   5.0 /8  2218
 50 Bekker-Jensen, Anne             DEN 2062  +162 -  9 +139 - 58 +136 - 41 +107 + 76   .   5.0 /8  2187
 51 Kristjansson, Stefan            ISL 2250  +114 + 48 - 18 +106 =  5 = 31 = 19 - 24   .   4.5 /8  2303
 52 Nuoristo,Peter                      ----  = 16 - 94 +127 = 43 + 49 = 39 + 65 - 20   .   4.5 /8  2192
 53 Hartvig, Ove Weiss            f DEN 2290  =101 + 55 - 23 + 47 + 64 - 21 + 83 - 28   .   4.5 /8  2237
 54 Jonkman, Harmen               f NED 2321  +115 + 81 + 34 = 19 -  1 + 60 - 11 - 27   .   4.5 /8  2315
 55 Bakgaard,Martin                     ----  =  4 - 53 +138 + 66 - 63 + 68 + 56 - 33   .   4.5 /8  2283
 56 Rossen, Claus                   DEN 2184  +107 + 36 -  3 = 35 + 59 - 11 - 55 +106   .   4.5 /8  2256
 57 Olsen, Peter Erik               DEN 2233  + 93 + 96 = 20 - 33 + 61 - 12 - 28 + 77   .   4.5 /8  2225
 58 Coleman, David                  ENG 2240  +128 +103 - 15 + 50 = 13 - 35 +100 - 19   .   4.5 /8  2262
 59 Sorensen, Torben                DEN 2310  + 91 = 66 - 24 + 90 - 56 -100 +112 + 98   .   4.5 /8  2106
 60 Lyell, Mark                     ENG 2221  +134 -  2 + 85 +113 = 12 - 54 +103 - 23   .   4.5 /8  2286
 61 Petersen, Steen                 DEN ----  +142 + 35 = 30 - 29 - 57 - 98 +114 +102   .   4.5 /8  2200
 62 Olsen, Claus                    DEN 2085  -  6 +128 +142 = 63 = 37 + 74 = 32 - 22   .   4.5 /8  2280
 63 Trygstad, Kristian              NOR 2254  +148 -  8 +104 = 62 + 55 - 20 + 97 - 26   .   4.5 /8  2200
 64 Nilsson, Nils S                 DEN 2194  +143 = 13 - 17 + 98 - 53 - 97 +101 +104   .   4.5 /8  2186
 65 Nas,Flovin Tor                      ----  +122 = 17 -  6 + 97 - 32 +115 - 52 +100   .   4.5 /8  2223
 66 Skare, Karl Andre               NOR 2140  +140 = 59 -  7 - 55 +112 +113 - 36 + 99   .   4.5 /8  2183
 67 Jensen, Henrik W                DEN 2098  +132 - 14 + 93 - 26 - 95 +136 =105 + 97   .   4.5 /8  2117
 68 Lonborg, Morten                 DEN 2132  +155 - 11 + 88 - 25 = 82 - 55 +125 +103   .   4.5 /8  2133
 69 Nielsen, Borge                  DEN 2145  +156 - 25 +129 - 70 =104 -102 +128 +113   .   4.5 /8  2130
 70 Gabrielsen, Stig                NOR 2305  + 89 - 71 + 86 + 69 - 72 - 80 + 92 - 47   .   4.0 /8  2067
 71 Mortensen, Henrik               DEN 2075  +152 + 70 = 11 -  7 = 14 - 40 + 88 - 41   .   4.0 /8  2200
 72 Jensen,Kasper Smith                 ----  - 13 +133 + 42 + 81 + 70 -  5 - 38 - 44   .   4.0 /8  2236
 73 Bogdanov, Dimitri               DEN 2215  + 77 -  3 +114 - 36 +108 - 26 + 95 - 40   .   4.0 /8  2156
 74 Johansson, Thomas               SWE 2219  +131 - 18 - 95 +129 + 92 - 62 + 86 - 48   .   4.0 /8  2073
 75 Fant, Goran                     SWE 2080  -  1 +134 +117 + 39 - 23 - 76 - 77 +129   .   4.0 /8  2195
 76 Johansen, Terje                 NOR 2238  +146 - 21 +102 +103 - 25 + 75 - 13 - 50   .   4.0 /8  2164
 77 Berg,Olaf                           ----  - 73 +110 -100 +149 -103 +108 + 75 - 57   .   4.0 /8  2080
 78 Henrichsen, Jens                DEN 2063  -  2 -137 =116 = 84 =146 +109 +120 = 83   .   4.0 /8  2076
 79 Palo, Davor                     DEN 2055  +163 = 10 = 26 = 14 - 35 -104 =116 +115   .   4.0 /8  2152
 80 Gunter, David WW                ENG 2159  +147 - 32 +123 - 38 +110 + 70 - 25 - 34   .   4.0 /8  2188
 81 Helin, Mikael                   SWE ----  +136 - 54 +112 - 72 - 85 - 88 +130 +105   .   4.0 /8  2040
 82 Meulenbroek, Kim                NED ----  -  7 -117 +155 +137 = 68 = 47 +118 - 45   .   4.0 /8  2127
 83 Brameld, Arthur F               ENG 2115  +154 = 26 - 10 - 37 +143 +117 - 53 = 78   .   4.0 /8  2148
 84 Moller,Arne                         ----  - 32 -138 =120 = 78 +148 +144 + 94 - 42   .   4.0 /8  2092
 85 Damgaard,Sven                       ----  - 15 +143 - 60 +146 + 81 - 44 - 46 +116   .   4.0 /8  2123
 86 Schyberg,Brian                      ----  - 29 +135 - 70 =109 =138 +130 - 74 +118   .   4.0 /8  2128
 87 Karlsen, Arne                   DEN 2016  - 18 -136 +157 + 93 - 39 -107 +134 +132   .   4.0 /8  2078
 88 Jensen, Torben W                DEN ----  - 34 +159 - 68 - 42 +135 + 81 - 71 +124   .   4.0 /8  2099
 89 Gislason,Ingolfur                   ----  - 70 +120 - 44 +142 - 48 -118 +139 +119   .   4.0 /8  2087
 90 Poulsen,Martin                      ----  - 14 +160 +118 - 59 -106 +119 +121 - 49   .   4.0 /8  2119
 91 Kokholm,Daniel                      ----  - 59 +155 - 39 -136 =137 =139 +133 +121   .   4.0 /8  2071
 92 Samuelsen,Carl Eli                  ----  - 17 +146 - 35 +144 - 74 +149 - 70 +123   .   4.0 /8  2169
 93 Pedersen, Benno                     ----  - 57 +161 - 67 - 87 +142 + 96 +124 - 46   .   4.0 /8  2082
 94 Petersen, Lars                  DEN 2100  =116 + 52 - 13 = 27 =102 =111 - 84 = 95   .   3.5 /8  2035
 95 Ronsted,Torben                      ----  - 35 +107 + 74 - 44 + 67 - 27 - 73 = 94   .   3.5 /8  2136
 96 Hoff, Terje                     NOR 2040  +  5 - 57 - 36 +130 - 43 - 93 +144 =111   .   3.5 /8  2089
 97 Steindorsson, Sigurour P        ISL ----  -  8 +131 = 43 - 65 +101 + 64 - 63 - 67   .   3.5 /8  2085
 98 Byrn,Carsten                        ----  = 12 - 16 +122 - 64 +139 + 61 - 43 - 59   .   3.5 /8  2124
 99 Kragh,Niels Kristian                ----  - 10 +132 = 47 +118 = 41 - 45 =106 - 66   .   3.5 /8  2073
100 Laursen, Niels Norskov          DEN 2044  - 23 +148 + 77 - 45 =117 + 59 - 58 - 65   .   3.5 /8  2115
101 Clausen,Mikkel                      ----  = 53 =  4 - 46 =138 - 97 +131 - 64 +142   .   3.5 /8  2107
102 Howe,Dennis                         ----  -  3 +140 - 76 +131 = 94 + 69 - 24 - 61   .   3.5 /8  2076
103 Ori, Marco                      ITA 2068  +153 - 58 +141 - 76 + 77 = 43 - 60 - 68   .   3.5 /8  2060
104 Hansen, Arne                        ----  - 36 +157 - 63 +135 = 69 + 79 - 39 - 64   .   3.5 /8  2105
105 Mathiesen,Erik                      ----  - 30 -142 +147 +133 -124 +138 = 67 - 81   .   3.5 /8  2013
106 Mashiri, Arthur                 DEN 2044  +158 - 34 +145 - 51 + 90 - 37 = 99 - 56   .   3.5 /8  2075
107 Nielsen, Nicholas               DEN ----  - 56 - 95 -115 +160 +145 + 87 - 50 =110   .   3.5 /8  1989
108 Nielsen, Frode Benedict         DEN ----  - 33 -141 +140 +134 - 73 - 77 =122 +137   .   3.5 /8  2033
109 Schmidt, Horst                  GER ----  - 43 -119 +151 = 86 - 47 - 78 +141 +147   .   3.5 /8  1988
110 Jessen,Simon Pind                   ----  - 20 - 77 +156 +148 - 80 +132 - 47 =107   .   3.5 /8  2044
111 Petersen, Steffen               DEN ----  - 11 +156 - 45 =139 +141 = 94 - 48 = 96   .   3.5 /8  2053
112 Tjornsted,Peter                     ----  - 38 +147 - 81 =143 - 66 +146 - 59 +136   .   3.5 /8  2048
113 Petersen, Nils                  DEN 2076  +161 - 22 +130 - 60 =116 - 66 +117 - 69   .   3.5 /8  2053
114 Rasmussen,Morten                    ----  - 51 +152 - 73 -116 =131 +147 - 61 +140   .   3.5 /8  2015
115 Jensen,Jannick                      ----  - 54 -139 +107 +125 + 46 - 65 - 49 - 79   .   3.0 /8  2002
116 Birgisdottir,Ingibjoerg Edda        ----  = 94 - 12 = 78 +114 =113 - 49 = 79 - 85   .   3.0 /8  2027
117 Bjarnasson,Laurus H                 ----  - 46 + 82 - 75 +123 =100 - 83 -113 =128   .   3.0 /8  1976
118 Grigorian, Meri                 ARM 2100  +120 - 38 - 90 - 99 +134 + 89 - 82 - 86   .   3.0 /8  1947
119 Bering, Anders                  DEN 2023  - 21 +109 -  5 +128 - 27 - 90 +135 - 89   .   3.0 /8  2059
120 Larusdottir,Aldis Run               ----  -118 - 89 = 84 +127 +126 - 28 - 78 =125   .   3.0 /8  1964
121 Auchenberg, Per                 DEN 2052  - 19 +144 -  4 +145 - 42 +123 - 90 - 91   .   3.0 /8  2069
122 Hansen,Erik Svarke                  ----  - 65 =127 - 98 =140 -123 +154 =108 =126   .   3.0 /8  1923
123 Rasmussen,Henning                   ----  - 26 +151 - 80 -117 +122 -121 +138 - 92   .   3.0 /8  1978
124 Preuss, Flemming                DEN 2078  +160 - 41 +136 - 40 +105 - 14 - 93 - 88   .   3.0 /8  1982
125 Madhy,Nezar                         ----  - 42 -  5 +152 -115 =147 +143 - 68 =120   .   3.0 /8  2021
126 Hansen, Morten                  DEN 2085  - 25 +154 - 49 =141 -120 =137 =136 =122   .   3.0 /8  1971
127 Grigorian,Anush                     ----  - 31 =122 - 52 -120 =140 +156 =137 =131   .   3.0 /8  1965
128 Lund,Thomas                         ----  - 58 - 62 +154 -119 =156 +141 - 69 =117   .   3.0 /8  1974
129 Arngrimsson,Dagur                   ----  - 22 +158 - 69 - 74 +133 - 46 +153 - 75   .   3.0 /8  2025
130 Lynge, Torben                   DEN ----  -  9 +150 -113 - 96 +155 - 86 - 81 +151   .   3.0 /8  1960
131 Pedersen,Torben                     ----  - 74 - 97 +161 -102 =114 -101 +156 =127   .   3.0 /8  1940
132 Al Saad,Mofid                       ----  - 67 - 99 -144 +150 +161 -110 +149 - 87   .   3.0 /8  1927
133 Machel,Michael                      ----  - 45 - 72 +153 -105 -129 +158 - 91 +150   .   3.0 /8  1939
134 Pedersen, Steen                 DEN ----  - 60 - 75 +159 -108 -118 +155 - 87 +152   .   3.0 /8  1965
135 Rosenberg,Jan                       ----  - 39 - 86 +162 -104 - 88 +151 -119 +155   .   3.0 /8  1941
136 Larsen, Hans Hagen              DEN ----  - 81 + 87 -124 + 91 - 50 - 67 =126 -112   .   2.5 /8  1901
137 Gozzi,Giorgio                       ----  - 27 + 78 - 28 - 82 = 91 =126 =127 -108   .   2.5 /8  1930
138 Ingolfsdottir,Harpa                 ----  - 47 + 84 - 55 =101 = 86 -105 -123 =145   .   2.5 /8  1879
139 Raunkjar,Jonas                      ----  - 44 +115 - 50 =111 - 98 = 91 - 89 =149   .   2.5 /8  1891
140 Pedersen,Kaj Vinding                ----  - 66 -102 -108 =122 =127 =145 +146 -114   .   2.5 /8  1876
141 Jorgensen,Carina Eilegaard          ----  - 24 +108 -103 =126 -111 -128 -109 +158   .   2.5 /8  1895
142 Nielsen,Michael Backmann            ----  - 61 +105 - 62 - 89 - 93 =148 +157 -101   .   2.5 /8  1869
143 Rasmussen,Poul                      ----  - 64 - 85 +150 =112 - 83 -125 =145 =144   .   2.5 /8  1897
144 Hansen, Soren Asger             DEN ----  - 37 -121 +132 - 92 +154 - 84 - 96 =143   .   2.5 /8  1901
145 Dalso,Harry                         ----  - 41 +153 -106 -121 -107 =140 =143 =138   .   2.5 /8  1871
146 Hjortskov,Kjeld                     ----  - 76 - 92 +160 - 85 = 78 -112 -140 +153   .   2.5 /8  1896
147 Brantzeg,Pal                        ----  - 80 -112 -105 +162 =125 -114 +148 -109   .   2.5 /8  1878
148 Simonsen,Hans Kristian              ----  - 63 -100 +158 -110 - 84 =142 -147 +156   .   2.5 /8  1896
149 Jensen,Jan Kargaard                 ----  - 40 +162 - 48 - 77 +157 - 92 -132 =139   .   2.5 /8  1902
150 Hansen,Erik Friberg                 ----    .  -130 -143 -132 =162 =152 +160 -133   .   2.0 /7  1842
151 Jacobsen,Jesper Howalt              ----  - 28 -123 -109 =161 =152 -135 +154 -130   .   2.0 /8  1827
152 Elakany,Mohammed                    ----  - 71 -114 -125 -157 =151 =150 +162 -134   .   2.0 /8  1816
153 Rubeksen,Thomas H                   ----  -103 -145 -133 -154 +159 +157 -129 -146   .   2.0 /8  1815
154 McShane, Rod                    ENG ----  - 83 -126 -128 +153 -144 -122 -151 +161   .   2.0 /8  1832
155 Hau,Helge                           ----  - 68 - 91 - 82 +159 -130 -134 +161 -135   .   2.0 /8  1823
156 Larsen,Vagn                         ----  - 69 -111 -110 +158 =128 -127 -131 -148   .   1.5 /8  1767
157 Jensen,John Klaus                   ----  - 49 -104 - 87 +152 -149 -153 -142 =159   .   1.5 /8  1769
158 Manley, Christian                   ----  -106 -129 -148 -156 +160 -133 =159 -141   .   1.5 /8  1754
159 Hogh,Sidsel                         ----  - 48 - 88 -134 -155 -153 =160 =158 =157   .   1.5 /8  1758
160 Jorgensen, Morten               DEN ----  -124 - 90 -146 -107 -158 =159 -150 +162   .   1.5 /8  1758
161 Olsen,Miriam                        ----  -113 - 93 -131 =151 -132 =162 -155 -154   .   1.0 /8  1687
162 Dinesen,Henrik                      ----  - 50 -149 -135 -147 =150 =161 -152 -160   .   1.0 /8  1685
163 Hakansson, Henrik                   ----  - 79   .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .   0.0 /1      

9) Chess Festival in Bolzano

There was a chess festival in Bolzano, Italy June 12-19th 1999. Vladimir Epishin took first place in the main open with 7/9 ahead of Igor Khenkin, Gyula Sax, Nikola Mitkov and Vladimir Bukal (who also scored a GM norm) on 6.5. Dennis De Vreugt had an IM result. Further details:

Bolzano ITA Open (ITA), 12-19 vi 1999
 1 Epishin, Vladimir      g RUS 2578  7.0   45.5
 2 Khenkin, Igor          g GER 2641  6.5   48.5
 3 Sax, Gyula             g HUN 2524  6.5   46.5  4.0
 4 Mitkov, Nikola         g FRM 2483  6.5   46.5  3.5
 5 Bukal, Vladimir        m CRO 2407  6.5   46.5  2.0 [GM norm]
 6 De Vreugt, Dennis        NED 2417  6.0   46.0      [IM norm]
 7 Lazarev, Vladimir      m RUS 2514  6.0   42.5
 8 Stefanova, Antoaneta   m BUL 2452  6.0   41.0
 9 Hamdouchi, Hichem      g MAR 2564  6.0   39.5
10 Delchev, Aleksander    g BUL 2548  5.5   46.0
11 Chatalbashev, Boris    g BUL 2524  5.5   44.5
12 Istratescu, Andrei     g ROM 2549  5.5   43.0
13 Kogan, Artur           g ISR 2507  5.5   38.5
14 Komarov, Dimitri       g UKR 2588  5.5   38.0
15 Ortega, Lexy           m CUB 2485  5.0   43.5
16 Farago, Ivan           g HUN 2533  5.0   41.5
17 Voiska, Margarita     wg BUL 2364  5.0   40.0
18 Rigo, Janos            m HUN 2330  5.0   35.5
48 players

10) Forthcoming Events and Links

3rd Mind Sports Olympiad

The prize fund for this year's Mind Sports Olympiad has been set at 100,000 pounds. There may also be some additional prizes to be announced later. In addition to the cash prizes the leading players will also receive the traditional MSO gold, silver and bronze medals. There will be additional medals for the leading juniors in each tournament. The prize funds for some of the games are listed below. All figures are in pounds sterling.

Chess £20,000; Bridge £10,000; Go £8,500; 10x10 Draughts £8,000; Othello £7,000; Chinese Chess £6,000; Scrabble £6,000; Shogi £5,000; Stratego £5,000; 8x8 Draughts £4,000; Memory Skills £3,000; Cribbage £2,000; Dominoes £2,000; Intelligence £2,000

Prize funds for other games will be announced in due course. The detailed tournament schedule will be announced on their web site in early June and printed entry forms will be available shortly thereafter.

Redbus International

A replay of the final of the Redbus Chess Knock-Out tournament, held alongside the Southend Open, has been announced and will take place on 25th July '99. After an exciting four day tournament over Easter, the final between Bogdan Lalic and James Plaskett, both International Grandmasters, ended without a winner as the exhausted finalists decided to split the £2000 prize money equally between them. To achieve an overall winner, Redbus are hosting a rematch and putting up an additional £1000 prize money, with £750 going to the ultimate victor. The games will be played on an electronic chess board with the moves being published live on the Internet from 10am onwards with running commentary provided by Malcolm Pein. To join in, visit and follow the instructions on screen. The match will be comprised of two games using Fischer timings of 1 hour 40 minutes each plus 30 seconds added for each move and in the case of a 1-1 result, the match will the settled by two speed chess games with 10 minutes on each clock. If there is no clear winner at that point, the winner will be selected by a single sudden death 5-minute game.

32nd International Chess Festival in Biel

The main event is a Category 14 10 round double round robin featuring Onischuk, Piket, Bunzmann, Avrukh, Xie Jun (or Viktor Bologan), Pelletier. The event runs July 19th-27th 1999. There is also a master open with Vadim Milov and Ivan Morovic amongst the players already signed up. Internet coverage:

Ikaria island, Greece

Eight GMs and other strong players will participate in the Ikaros Chess Festival, 10-23 of July, Ikaria island, Greece. Among them are: Igor Novikov (GM, 2601, Ukr.), Normunds Miezis (GM Lat), Eygeni Ermenkov (GM Bulg.), Milko Popchev (GM Bulg.), Krum Georgiev (GM Bulg.), Milos Pavlovic (GM Yugosl.), Stanimr Nikolic (GM Yugosl.), Silvia Aleksieva (WGM, Bulg.), Karsten Rasmussen (IM Denmark), Bojan Vuckovic (IM Yugosl.), Pavlos Gesos (IM Greece), Ruzka Genova (WIM, Bulg.)

Seven tournaments will be held in Ikaria in this period. The main event is the Aegian Championship, a 9 rounds swiss system international tournament. For more details in English, French or Greek you can visit the site: