THE WEEK IN CHESS 224 - 22nd February 1999 by Mark Crowther

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1) Introduction
2) XVI Ciudad de Linares
3) Karpov-Piket Match
4) FIDE KO announcement this week?
5) Cappelle la Grande
6) 10th Goodricke International Open
7) Krush-Browne Match
8) Deloitte & Touche Jersey Open
9) First Saturday, February and 1st Zuglo Hotel Open
10) The 13th International Open in Bern
11) 8th Aurec rapidplay
12) 3rd Annual Best Western Mt. Vernon Chess Classic
13) Forthcoming Events

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Games section

XVI Ciudad de Linares                   8 games
Karpov-Piket Match                      1 games
Cappelle la Grande                    246 games
10th Goodricke International Open     364 games
Krush-Browne Match                      4 games
Brown-Henley Blitz Match                4 games
Deloitte & Touche Jersey Open         214 games
First Saturday, February GM            66 games
First Saturday, February IM            91 games
1st Zuglo Hotel Open                   33 games
3rd Best Western Mt. Vernon Classic    11 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Patrick Rasenberg, Club Kasparov, Europe Echecs, Jean-Claude Templeur and Jérôme Trapeaux, Paul Hodges and Smartchess, John Saunders, Laszlo Nagy, Olivier Deville, Michael Atkins and all those who helped with this issue.

The Linares tournament in Spain will probably be the strongest event of the year. After two fairly cautious rounds I expect the event to become more decisive, especially after the first rest day.

FIDE may be on the verge of announcing that the World Championships will be in Las Vegas in June/July. They had extensive negotiations with Fishmann Associates which fell apart a few weeks ago. They then had to start from scratch. However I learn that they may have a secured a venue in Vegas. If so an announcement needs to be made quickly.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) XVI Ciudad de Linares

The Category 20 XVI Ciudad de Linares will run February 21-March 10th. This Category 20 event is likely to be the strongest of the year. After the Wijk aan Zee tournament earlier this year it looks likely it will be a battle between Kasparov and Anand again. Victories will be at a premium here and there have only been two wins in the first two rounds. Nevertheless it has been tough chess.

Michael Adams got strong pressure in round one which led to the collapse of Leko's position. Kasparov scored his first win in round two when he probably hit Ivanchuk with a novelty which put the Ukranian under pressure and led to a win in only 31 moves with black.

Official site: OR

Round 1 (February 21, 1999)

Adams, Michael      -  Leko, Peter         1-0   26  B19  Caro-Kann
Kasparov, Gary      -  Svidler, Peter      1/2   31  C90  Ruy Lopez
Kramnik, Vladimir   -  Topalov, Veselin    1/2   33  D41  QGD; Tarrasch Defence
Ivanchuk, Vassily   -  Anand, Viswanathan  1/2   26  B12  Caro-Kann

Round 2 (February 22, 1999)

Svidler, Peter      -  Kramnik, Vladimir   1/2   27  C42  Petroff defence
Topalov, Veselin    -  Adams, Michael      1/2   41  C88  Ruy Lopez
Anand, Viswanathan  -  Leko, Peter         1/2   24  A34  English; 1.c4 c5
Ivanchuk, Vassily   -  Kasparov, Gary      0-1   31  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf

XVI Ciudad de Linares (ESP), ii-iii 1999             cat. XX (2735)
                                  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 
1 Adams, Michael      g ENG 2716 ** .. .. =. .. .. .. 1.  1.5  2890
2 Kasparov, Gary      g RUS 2812 .. ** =. .. .. .. 1. ..  1.5  2906
3 Svidler, Peter      g RUS 2713 .. =. ** .. =. .. .. ..  1.0  2781
4 Topalov, Veselin    g BUL 2700 =. .. .. ** =. .. .. ..  1.0  2733
5 Kramnik, Vladimir   g RUS 2751 .. .. =. =. ** .. .. ..  1.0  2706
6 Anand, Viswanathan  g IND 2781 .. .. .. .. .. ** =. =.  1.0  2704
7 Ivanchuk, Vassily   g UKR 2714 .. 0. .. .. .. =. ** ..  0.5  2603
8 Leko, Peter         g HUN 2694 0. .. .. .. .. =. .. **  0.5  2555

3) Karpov-Piket Match

There is an 8 game match between Anatoly Karpov and Jeroen Piket in Monaco organised by the Association Max Euwe. The match started with a draw on Sunday 21st February and will run until March 2nd.

Piket, Jeroen    -  Karpov, Anatoly  1/2   36  E15  Nimzo indian

Assoc. Max Euwe Matc (MNC), ii-iii 1999
                              1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
Karpov, Anatoly  g RUS 2710    =   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   0.5  2619
Piket, Jeroen    g NED 2619    =   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   0.5  2710

4) FIDE KO announcement this week?

A FIDE Press release dated 17th February (signed E.A. Omuku) discussed some of the issues of recent controversy, including the FIDE Championships, the Polgar - Xie Jun Women's World Championship match and the last rating list.

Talking of recent "rumours" that the "1999 World Championship in Las Vegas had been cancelled" the press release says: "the FIDE President in his circular letter of 2 February 1999 reaffirmed that the World Championship will hold [sic] this year in Las Vegas. As a follow-up to the President's circular, I can confirm that Deputy President G. Makropoulos is currently holding talks with the hotels and potential sponsors in Las Vegas and our partners in the US Chess Federation and in the course of the week, the full details of this Championship will be announced."

It goes on "there should be no iota of doubt that the Championship will hold [sic] this year in Las Vegas during the envisaged period."

Whereas earlier in the week this looked quite vague and they were certainly looking at other dates and had no venue, I now understand that FIDE may have found a venue for the original June/July period in Las Vegas. Further news as I get it.

Next year the Championships will be held in the last week of November and first three weeks of December in the year 2000.

They direct that the Women's World Chess Championship, the should be held the last week of May to the beginning of June 1999. The Women's knockout World Championships will take place in Kishinev in September 1999 hence the haste even though they are still early for the pregnant Zsuzsa Polgar. However FIDE have no bids for this events and they call for further bids.

The rating list which was both late and full of errors was discussed by FIDE Rating Administrator Casto Abundo and World Championship Cycle Committee Chairman Willy Iclicki. They resolved to put into place a more "reliable" structure. Also FIDE say they are "reviewing" their relationship with Chess Planet (hence the rating list appearing at the Hellas CC site

There is also a call for the promotion and collection of fees for the new rapid rating system, distinct from the normal rating system.

1999 is the 75th Anniversary of FIDE.

5) Cappelle la Grande

After wild games in the final round Simen Agdestein, Mikhail Gurevich and Pavel Tregubov all scored 7.5 points in the Cappelle la Grande open in France. It ran 13-21 Feb. 615 players competed including 104 GMs and 80 IMs.

My thanks to Europe Echecs, Jean-Claude Templeur and Jérôme Trapeaux for the news.

Final results:

Final results
Cappelle la Grande FRA (FRA), ii 1999
  1 Agdestein, Simen             g NOR 2550  7½ 2789
  2 Gurevich, Mikhail            g BEL 2627  7½ 2769
  3 Tregubov, Pavel V            g RUS 2570  7½ 2739

  4 Gretarsson, Helgi Ass        g ISL 2459  7  2715
  5 Volzhin, Alexander           g RUS 2548  7  2714
  6 Akopian, Vladimir            g ARM 2640  7  2706
  7 Avrukh, Boris                g ISR 2609  7  2702
  8 Dvoirys, Semen I             g RUS 2562  7  2691
  9 Malakhov, Vladimir           g RUS 2557  7  2681
 10 Kharlov, Andrei              g RUS 2600  7  2677

 11 Landa, Konstantin            g RUS 2542  6½ 2675
 12 Poluljahov, Aleksandr        g RUS 2566  6½ 2674
 13 Beshukov, Sergei             g RUS 2511  6½ 2645
 14 Kruppa, Yuri                 g UKR 2561  6½ 2636
 15 Volkov, Sergey               g RUS 2587  6½ 2634
 16 Nikolaidis, Ioannis          g GRE 2510  6½ 2626
 17 Socko, Bartosz               m POL 2497  6½ 2621
 18 Savchenko, Stanislav         g UKR 2539  6½ 2616
 19 Shneider, Aleksandr          g UKR 2545  6½ 2610
 20 David, Alberto               g LUX 2530  6½ 2589
 21 Miezis, Normunds             g LAT 2525  6½ 2588
 22 Kaminski, Marcin             g POL 2516  6½ 2583
 23 Yakovich, Yuri               g RUS 2565  6½ 2580
 24 Sergeev, Vladimir            m UKR 2452  6½ 2575
 25 Georgiev, Vladimir           m BUL 2508  6½ 2555
 26 Skembris, Spyridon           g GRE 2445  6½ 2542
 27 Murey, Jacob                 g ISR 2463  6½ 2521
 28 Pira, Davoud                 m FRA 2382  6½ 2438
 29 Akesson, Ralf                g SWE 2530  6½ 2669
 30 Kveinys, Aloyzas             g LTU 2502  6½ 2613

31      GMI NENASHEV        ALEXANDER    UZB  2616  6  2631
32      GMI LESIEGE         ALEXANDRE    CAN  2521  6  2621
33      GMI GOLOD           VITALI       ISR  2554  6  2613
34      GMI MARCIANO        DAVID        FRA  2521  6  2612
35      GMI MILES           ANTHONY      ENG  2609  6  2599
36      GMI BAUER           CHRISTIAN    FRA  2528  6  2582
        MI  GRABARCZYK      MIROSLAW     POL  2462  6  2582
38      GMI ZILBERMAN       YAACOV       ISR  2513  6  2577
39      GMI STEFANSSON      HANNES       ISL  2569  6  2576
40      MI  SAFIN           SHUKHRAT     UZB  2484  6  2571
        GMI SKRIPCHENKO-LAU ALMIRA       MDA  2414  6  2571
42      GMI LEGKY           NIKOLAY      UKR  2487  6  2561
43      GMI MIKHALEVSKI     VICTOR       ISR  2531  6  2560
44      GMI TIMOSHENKO      GEORGY       UKR  2592  6  2550
45      GMI ATALIK          SUAT         TUR  2593  6  2549
46      MI  KRIVOSHEY       SERGEI       UKR  2451  6  2545
47      GMI GALKIN          ALEXANDER    RUS  2507  6  2542
48      GMI BRODSKY         MICHAIL      UKR  2530  6  2541
        GMI IBRAGIMOV       ILDAR        RUS  2602  6  2541
50      MI  PIERROT         FACUNDO      ARG  2442  6  2540
51      MI  GRIGORE         GEORGE-GABR. ROM  2526  6  2538
52      GMI ASEEV           KONSTANTIN   RUS  2519  6  2536
53      MI  DGEBUADZE       ALEXANDRE    GEO  2539  6  2535
54      GMI MARKOWSKI       TOMASZ       POL  2549  6  2531
55      GMI LEVIN           FELIX        GER  2496  6  2530
56      GMI IVANOV          SERGEY       RUS  2528  6  2529
57      MI  URBAN           KLAUDIUSZ    POL  2444  6  2525
58      GMI CHUCHELOV       VLADIMIR     BEL  2534  6  2524
59      MI  KEKELIDZE       MIKHEIL      GEO  2439  6  2522
60      GMI GDANSKI         JACEK        POL  2530  6  2517
61      MI  MCSHANE         LUKE         ENG  2497  6  2514
62      GMI CVITAN          OGNJEN       CRO  2521  6  2512
63      GMI NATAF           IGOR-ALEX.   FRA  2481  6  2509
64      GMI BERELOVICH      ALEKSANDAR   UKR  2484  6  2502
        GMI DEGRAEVE        JEAN-MARC    FRA  2536  6  2502
66      GMI DIZDAR          GORAN        CRO  2563  6  2494
67      GMI OLAFSSON        HELGI        ISL  2503  6  2490
68      GMI NIKCEVIC        NEBOJSA      YUG  2472  6  2482
69      MF  SZIEBERT        ADAM         HUN  2302  6  2476
70      CF  SZELAG          MARCIN       POL  2408  6  2460
71      MI  PETKEVICH       JUSEFS       LAT  2452  6  2459
72      MI  MATLAK          MAREK        POL  2448  6  2458
73      MI  ORATOVSKY       MICHAEL      ISR  2480  6  2451
74      GMI SUMMERSCALE     AARON        ENG  2440  6  2443
75      MI  GINSBURG        GENNADIJ     GER  2495  6  2440
76      MF  WATANABE        AKIRA        JPN  2364  6  2435
77      MI  CARLIER         BRUNO        NED  2415  6  2379

78      GMI DERVISHI        ERALD        ALB  2484  5½ 2548
79      GMI LANKA           ZIGURDS      LAT  2521  5½ 2542
80      GMI PAVLOVIC        MILOS        YUG  2509  5½ 2541
81      MI  GALDUNTS        SERGEY       ARM  2435  5½ 2539
82      GMI APICELLA        MANUEL       FRA  2515  5½ 2530
83      GMI MINASIAN        ARTASHES     ARM  2594  5½ 2513
84      MI  BLEHM           PAWEL        POL  2428  5½ 2497
85      MI  KHACHIAN        MELIKSET     ARM  2478  5½ 2494
        MI  PAYEN           ARNAUD       FRA  2415  5½ 2494
87      MI  GROOTEN         HERMAN       NED  2405  5½ 2492
88      MI  COSMA           IOAN         ROM  2475  5½ 2491
89      GMI HABA            PETR         CZE  2545  5½ 2490
        GMI RELANGE         ELOI         FRA  2478  5½ 2490
91      GMI KOBALIJA        MIHAIL       RUS  2537  5½ 2486
        GMI KOGAN           ARTUR        ISR  2507  5½ 2486
93      CF  BUCHER          DENIS        SUI  2276  5½ 2481
        MI  MIKHALETZ       LUBOMIR      UKR  2485  5½ 2481
95      GMI STEFANOVA       ANTOANETA    BUL  2452  5½ 2479
96      GMI SULSKIS         SARUNAS      LTU  2568  5½ 2478
97      GMI PLACHETKA       JAN          SVK  2395  5½ 2477
98      MI  GOLUBOVIC       BORIS        CRO  2450  5½ 2459
99      GMI GHITESCU        THEODOR      ROM  2365  5½ 2454
100     GMI GUREVICH        VLADIMIR     UKR  2513  5½ 2453
101     MF  BOBRAS          PIOTR        POL  2371  5½ 2450
102     MI  FOISOR          OVIDIU       ROM  2491  5½ 2449
103     GMI KLOVANS         JANIS        LAT  2470  5½ 2440
104     MI  ROEDER          MATHIAS      GER  2448  5½ 2436
        MI  SALMENSUU       OLLI         FIN  2449  5½ 2436
106     GMI GIPSLIS         AIVARS       LAT  2470  5½ 2433
107     GMI KISELEVA        NATALIA      UKR  2316  5½ 2430
108     CF  BRUNELLIERE     PIERRE       FRA  2238  5½ 2429
        GMI SOLOZHENKIN     EVGENIY      RUS  2545  5½ 2429
        MI  VAREILLE        FRANCOIS     FRA  2418  5½ 2429
111     GMI BOBROWSKA       MONIKA       POL  2440  5½ 2428
112     MI  MURDZIA         PIOTR        POL  2441  5½ 2421
113     MF  HOLMSTEN        ALEKSEI      FIN  2373  5½ 2420
114     GMI SANTO-ROMAN     MARC         FRA  2381  5½ 2414
115     GMI MC NAB          COLIN        SCO  2418  5½ 2413
116     MF  BALLMANN        MARTIN       SUI  2401  5½ 2411
117     MI  MARCELIN        CYRIL        FRA  2383  5½ 2399
118     GMI FOISOR          CRISTINA     ROM  2370  5½ 2397
        GMI GAPONENKO       INNA         UKR  2406  5½ 2397
120     CF  BERKVENS        JOOST        NED  2215  5½ 2390
121     GMI VASILEVICH      TATJANA      UKR  2410  5½ 2388
122     MI  FROIS           ANTONIO      POR  2405  5½ 2387
        MF  JENNI           FLORIAN      SUI  2394  5½ 2387
124     MI  KAIUMOV         DMITRY       UZB  2482  5½ 2382
125     MI  MANNION         STEPHEN      SCO  2343  5½ 2380
126     GMI BAGIROV         VLADIMIR     LAT  2493  5½ 2379
        MF  VERAT           LAURENT      FRA  2294  5½ 2379
128     MI  WERNER          ISABEL       GER  2233  5½ 2375
129     CF  KHECHUMYAN      GAGIK        ARM  2372  5½ 2373
130     GMI HEBDEN          MARK         ENG  2556  5½ 2370
        MI  IVANOV          JORDAN       BUL  2359  5½ 2370
132         DRAOUI          NAJIB        MAR  2117  5½ 2369
133     CF  BEKKER-JENSEN   SIMON        DEN  2360  5½ 2366
        CF  BROCHET         PHILIPPE     FRA  2351  5½ 2366
        CF  KARATOROSSIAN   DAVID        ARM  2348  5½ 2366
136     CF  PINSKI          JAN          POL  2346  5½ 2365
137     MI  SHAW            JOHN         SCO  2425  5½ 2363
138     MI  ANTONIEWSKI     RAFAL        POL  2431  5½ 2362
139     MI  COLLAS          DIDIER       FRA  2330  5½ 2358
140     MI  FRANZEN         JOZEF        SVK  2320  5½ 2353
        MI  VUL             ARKADI       RUS  2454  5½ 2353
142     CF  MIDOUX          SEBASTIEN    FRA  2225  5½ 2346
143     CF  DOGHRI          NEBIL        TUN  2337  5½ 2344
        MI  ZIGURA          OLEG         UKR  2430  5½ 2344
145     MI  MANIK           MIKULAS      SVK  2478  5½ 2341
146     CF  BELICHEV        NIKOLAI      UKR  2397  5½ 2339
147     MI  TOUZANE         OLIVIER      FRA  2358  5½ 2337
148     CF  MORAWIETZ       DIETER       GER  2425  5½ 2328
149     GMI RAUSIS          IGORS        LAT  2508  5½ 2323
150     GMI SUETIN          ALEXEY       RUS  2391  5½ 2316
151     CF  HANDKE          FLORIAN      GER  2326  5½ 2313
152     CF  FABIANO         GIUSEPPE     ITA  2282  5½ 2306
153     MF  PINHEIRO        JOSE         POR  2272  5½ 2305
154     MI  BERGEZ          LUC          FRA  2378  5½ 2295
155     GMI LOMINEISHVILI   MAIA         GEO  2397  5½ 2272
156     CF  IPPOLITO        MANUEL       FRA  2289  5½ 2267
157     CF  COLIN           VINCENT      FRA  2136  5½ 2265
158     MI  TRABERT         BETTINA      GER  2285  5½ 2259
159     CF  OSORIOS ORTIZ   MARCOS       PER  2285  5½ 2255
160     MI  TE-LALLEMAND    ROSA         FRA  2330  5½ 2234
161     GMI AGABABEAN       NAIRA        MDA  2352  5½ 2223
        MF  JONKMAN         HARMEN       NED  2321  5½ 2223
163         BAUDE           CHRISTIAN    STAN 1990  5½ 2035
164     GMI KENGIS          EDVINS       LAT  2571  5½ 2536
617 players

6) 10th Goodricke International Open

The 10th Goodricke International Open Chess Tournament took place in Calcutta (Gorky Sadan) February 6th-16th. This was an 11 round Swiss event. Alexei Fedorov (BLR aged 26) won the event comfortably. In the first nine rounds he scored eight wins and one loss (to Victor Bologan) before drawing out rounds 10 and 11. There was a three way tie for second place between Sergey Dolmatov, Maxim Sorokin and Jaan Ehlvest on 7.5 points. There were no GM norms in the event for the 2nd time in succession and only a few IM norms (Shankar Roy, Prakash [he has 3 now all from this event] and Dinesh Kumar Sharma. The organisers plan a millenium special, what this entails it is unsure.

The table below is from the games, I don't have independent confirmation of the official positions of the players further down but the leading standings are all correct.

Final Standings:
Goodricke Int Calcutta IND (IND), ii 1999
                                            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11 
 1 Fedorov, Alexei             g BLR 2648  +29 +39 +58 -14 + 2 + 3 +10 + 4 +15 = 5 = 6  9.0 /11  2787
 2 Dolmatov, Sergey            g RUS 2589  +32 +59 = 7 +17 - 1 +11 =14 +10 = 6 = 3 = 5  7.5 /11  2668
 3 Sorokin, Maxim              g ARG 2551  =21 +41 +53 = 8 +25 - 1 =12 +24 +14 = 2 = 9  7.5 /11  2619
 4 Ehlvest, Jaan               g EST 2593  =41 -21 +50 =43 +22 +59 +17 - 1 +24 = 9 +14  7.5 /11  2582
 5 Speelman, Jonathan S        g ENG 2601  +16 =12 =20 +13 - 7 +33 = 8 =32 +11 = 1 = 2  7.0 /11  2592
 6 Rogozenko, Dorian           g ROM 2557  +52 =11 +23 = 7 +12 = 8 =15 = 9 = 2 =10 = 1  7.0 /11  2625
 7 Slobodjan, Roman            g GER 2536  +31 +18 = 2 = 6 + 5 -14 +16 =15 = 9 =12 = 8  7.0 /11  2616
 8 Gleizerov, Evgeny           g RUS 2518  +50 =15 +42 = 3 + 9 = 6 = 5 =14 =12 =20 = 7  7.0 /11  2598
 9 Barua, Dibyendu             g IND 2538  +43 +19 =56 =15 - 8 +21 +20 = 6 = 7 = 4 = 3  7.0 /11  2571
10 Ulibin, Mikhail             g RUS 2552  +36 =20 +34 +56 +14 =15 - 1 - 2 +32 = 6 =12  7.0 /11  2574
11 Zagrebelny, Sergey          g UZB 2506  +22 = 6 -14 +30 +45 - 2 =37 +43 - 5 +41 +20  7.0 /11  2549
12 Shulman, Yuri               g BLR 2523  +67 = 5 =21 +32 - 6 +43 = 3 +26 = 8 = 7 =10  7.0 /11  2575
13 Prakash, G B                  IND 2403  =30 =40 +51 - 5 =42 =47 +56 =37 =17 +32 +26  7.0 /11  2465
14 Bologan, Viktor             g MDA 2608  +24 =17 +11 + 1 -10 + 7 = 2 = 8 - 3 +15 - 4  6.5 /11  2608
15 Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander     g POL 2570  +28 = 8 +33 = 9 +39 =10 = 6 = 7 - 1 -14 +31  6.5 /11  2579
16 Ramesh, R.B                 m IND 2391  - 5 =50 +48 =42 +53 +25 - 7 =20 +37 =26 =17  6.5 /11  2475
17 Marin, Mihail               g ROM 2525  +45 =14 +60 - 2 +59 =24 - 4 =18 =13 +36 =16  6.5 /11  2496
18 Sandeepan, Chanda             IND 2405  +46 - 7 =35 -34 =58 +51 +47 =17 -20 +37 +22  6.5 /11  2410
19 Ravi, Lanka                 m IND 2406  +51 - 9 +47 -39 =31 -27 -46 +44 +54 +40 +34  6.5 /11  2413
20 Komliakov, Viktor           g MDA 2463  +27 =10 = 5 =21 =43 +56 - 9 =16 +18 = 8 -11  6.0 /11  2473
21 Sharma, Dinesh K              IND 2377  = 3 + 4 =12 =20 =56 - 9 =42 +40 -31 +39 =25  6.0 /11  2470
22 Bakre, Tejas                m IND 2333  -11 =28 +29 =33 - 4 +44 =23 +42 =36 +34 -18  6.0 /11  2414
23 Abdulla, Al-Rakib           m BAN 2406  =48 +30 - 6 =53 =40 =42 =22 =36 +38 =31 =28  6.0 /11  2358
24 Shankar, Roy                  IND 2394  -14 =45 +27 +60 +34 =17 +39 - 3 - 4 =25 =33  6.0 /11  2482
25 Rahman, Ziaur               m BAN 2498  =49 =47 +61 +31 - 3 -16 =30 +27 =41 =24 =21  6.0 /11  2401
26 Neelotpal, Das                IND 2436  =47 =49 -31 +51 =36 +45 +54 -12 +39 =16 -13  6.0 /11  2420
27 Suvrajit, Saha                IND 2335  -20 =52 -24 +38 +57 +19 -32 -25 =49 +56 +41  6.0 /11  2388
28 Murugan, Krishnamoorthy     m IND 2385  -15 =22 -30 =48 -44 +35 +55 =53 +60 +46 =23  6.0 /11  2335
29 Szuhanek, Ranko             m ROM 2397  - 1 =37 -22 +55 =60 =46 -34 +58 +43 =30 +50  6.0 /11  2357
30 Singh, Gurpreetpal            IND 2311  =13 -23 +28 -11 +35 +31 =25 =39 -34 =29 =36  5.5 /11  2388
31 Reefat, Bin-Sattar          m BAN 2354  - 7 +57 +26 -25 =19 -30 +48 =46 +21 =23 -15  5.5 /11  2397
32 Mithrakanth, Poorna Sharma  m IND 2378  - 2 +54 +55 -12 =47 +34 +27 = 5 -10 -13 =38  5.5 /11  2388
33 Konguvel, Ponnuswamy        m IND 2436  =40 +48 -15 =22 +37 - 5 -43 +47 =46 =50 =24  5.5 /11  2381
34 Laxman, R.R                   IND 2267  =42 +65 -10 +18 -24 -32 +29 +50 +30 -22 -19  5.5 /11  2340
35 Koneru, Humpy                 IND 2160  +44 -58 =18 -45 -30 -28 +63 +51 =42 +49 =39  5.5 /11  2297
36 Koshy, Varugeese            m IND 2368  -10 -51 +65 +44 =26 =40 +59 =23 =22 -17 =30  5.5 /11  2358
37 Sareen, Vishal                IND 2356  -39 =29 +66 +61 -33 +58 =11 =13 -16 -18 +53  5.5 /11  2356
38 Mohota, Nisha              wm IND 2157  -56 =44 -45 -27 +66 +57 =51 +59 -23 +47 =32  5.5 /11  2306
39 Sashikiran, Krishnan        m IND 2525  +37 - 1 +40 +19 -15 +41 -24 =30 -26 -21 =35  5.0 /11  2361
40 Sriram, Jha                   IND 2328  =33 =13 -39 +52 =23 =36 =41 -21 +53 -19 =42  5.0 /11  2339
41 Chiong, Luiz                f PHI 2390  = 4 - 3 =44 +46 +49 -39 =40 +54 =25 -11 -27  5.0 /11  2372
42 Das, Arghyadip                IND 2170  =34 +66 - 8 =16 =13 =23 =21 -22 =35 =45 =40  5.0 /11  2294
43 Gokhale, C.S                  IND 2361  - 9 +46 +63 = 4 =20 -12 +33 -11 -29 =44 =51  5.0 /11  2353
44 Goswami, Vedant               IND 2235  -35 =38 =41 -36 +28 -22 +52 -19 +59 =43 =48  5.0 /11  2298
45 Sundararajan, Kidambi         IND 2350  -17 =24 +38 +35 -11 -26 =53 =60 =56 =42 =46  5.0 /11  2267
46 Sanjay, N                     IND 2269  -18 -43 +62 -41 +63 =29 +19 =31 =33 -28 =45  5.0 /11  2290
47 Vijayalakshimi, Subbaraman wm IND 2329  =26 =25 -19 +63 =32 =13 -18 -33 +55 -38 +59  5.0 /11  2304
48 Girinath, P.D.S               IND 2315  =23 -33 -16 =28 +55 =60 -31 +61 -50 +58 =44  5.0 /11  2277
49 Ravi, Thandalam Shanmugam   f IND 2336  =25 =26 -59 +64 -41 =53 =60 =56 =27 -35 +61  5.0 /11  2276
50 Ganguly, Surya Shekhar        IND 2343  - 8 =16 - 4 -57 +65 +61 +58 -34 +48 =33 -29  5.0 /11  2300
51 Shetty, Rahul                 IND 2328  -19 +36 -13 -26 +64 -18 =38 -35 +66 +60 =43  5.0 /11  2258
52 Roktim, Bandyopadhyay         IND 2374  - 6 =27 =64 -40 +62 -54 -44 -57 +65 +66 +56  5.0 /11  2212
53 Vishveswaran, K               IND 2272  +55 =61 - 3 =23 -16 =49 =45 =28 -40 +54 -37  4.5 /11  2287
54 Yogesh, Gore                  IND 2320  -59 -32 =57 +65 +61 +52 -26 -41 -19 -53 +63  4.5 /11  2229
55 Chandra Sekhar, T.K           IND 2200  -53 +62 -32 -29 -48 +64 -28 +65 -47 =57 +66  4.5 /11  2190
56 Saritha, M. Reddy          wm IND 2231  +38 +63 = 9 -10 =21 -20 -13 =49 =45 -27 -52  4.0 /11  2251
57 Dongre, Ravindra Malidh       IND 2245  -61 -31 =54 +50 -27 -38 =62 +52 -58 =55 =60  4.0 /11  2161
58 Neelakantan, Narayanan        IND 2232  +62 +35 - 1 -59 =18 -37 -50 -29 +57 -48 =64  4.0 /11  2227
59 Deshmukh, Anup                IND 2430  +54 - 2 +49 +58 -17 - 4 -36 -38 -44 +62 -47  4.0 /11  2243
60 Prasenjit, Datta              IND 2220  =65 +64 -17 -24 =29 =48 =49 =45 -28 -51 =57  4.0 /11  2220
61 Kabir, S. Ruhul               BAN 2250  +57 =53 -25 -37 -54 -50 +66 -48 =62 +64 -49  4.0 /11  2181
62 Meera, Sai                    IND 2112  -58 -55 -46 +66 -52 =63 =57 =64 =61 -59 +65  4.0 /11  2113
63 Somak,Palit                       ----  +68 -56 -43 -47 -46 =62 -35 -66 +64 =65 -54  3.0 /11  2020
64 Gokhale, Anupama           wm IND 2218  =66 -60 =52 -49 -51 -55 =65 =62 -63 -61 =58  2.5 /11  1989
65 Soham, Das                    IND 2055  =60 -34 -36 -54 -50 =66 =64 -55 -52 =63 -62  2.0 /11  1967
66 Punya Man, Karmacharya        NEP 2100  =64 -42 -37 -62 -38 =65 -61 +63 -51 -52 -55  2.0 /11  1939
67 Atanu, Lahiri                 IND 2345  -12  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   0.0 / 1      
68 Bye                               ----  -63  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   0.0 / 1      

and also:

7) Krush-Browne Match

A 4 game match between GM Walter Browne and 15-year old US Women's Champion Irina Krush was won by Browne 3.5-0.5.

Report by: Paul Hodges. The event - sponsored by the World Wide Web Chess Superstore - took place 13th to 15th February in Parsippany, NJ, and was hosted by the New Jersey State Chess Federation, E. Steven Doyle and the USCF. Browne won the first game with White after building a powerful position against Krush's Queen's Gambit Accepted. In severe time pressure, Browne embarked on a dubious piece sacrifice (25.Nef6+) which proved successful after Krush did not find the correct defense in her own time pressure (39...Nb6? proved to be a fatal mistake). In the second game, Krush introduced an improvement on her game against Browne from the recent Koltanowski International and Browne found himself on the defensive. Krush dissipated her initiative with 28.Rd1 which initiated exchanges easing Browne's defense. In time pressure, Krush mishandled the R + B vs. R + N ending and lost her f-pawn, overlooking the tactic 57...g5. Short of time, Browne was unable to convert his winning rook endgame to the full point and he offered a draw with only a few seconds remaining on his clock for the rest of the game. In Game 3, Krush equalized comfortably in a Queen's Gambit Accepted but made the strategic blunder 22...c6 resulting in a French Defense structure devoid of counterplay for Black - Browne won in a queen ending on move 47. In the final game, Browne demonstrated in text-book fashion a refutation to Krush's dubious 10.fxe4 in a line of the Leningrad Nimzo-Indian. This was the fourth match in a series designed to provide Krush with serious international experience as her chess career develops - her fifth "Krush Challenge Match" will be against GM Tal Shaked (1997 World Junior Champion) in May 1999. In an exhibition event following the Krush-Browne match, Browne beat GM Ron Henley (Krush's second) in a 4 game blitz match 2.5-1.5.

Official coverage by SmartChess Online:

Browne, Walter  -  Krush, Irina		1-0   45  D20  Queen's Gambit Accepted
Krush, Irina    -  Browne, Walter   	1/2   74  E42  Nimzo-Indian Browne,
Browne Walter   -  Krush, Irina    	1-0   47  D20  Queen's Gambit Accepted Krush,
Krush Irina     -  Browne, Walter  	0-1   30  E31  Nimzo-Indian

Parsippany USA  II 1999
                               1   2   3   4 
Browne, Walter S  g USA 2516    1   =   1   1   3.5  2711
Krush, Irina        USA 2375    0   =   0   0   0.5  2194

Parsippany Blitz USA  II 1999
                               1   2   3   4 
Browne, Walter S  g USA 2516    0   1   =   1   2.5  2530
Henley, Ron W     g USA 2435    1   0   =   0   1.5  2429

8) Deloitte & Touche Jersey Open

The Deloitte & Touche Tohmatsu International Open finished with Tiger Hillarp-Persson scoring 7/7. The event took place Feb 14-20 1999 in St Helier. He was a point and a half clear of Chris Ward and Anthony Corkett.

Coverage by John Saunders at:

Final Standings
1  Tiger Hillarp-Persson SWE   2482     7     
2  Christopher Ward            2482     5.5   
3  Anthony Corkett             2255     5.5   
4  Simon K Williams      ENG   2367     5     
5  Angus J Dunnington    ENG   2358     5     
6  H James Plaskett      ENG   2493     4.5   
7  Lorin D'Costa                    172 4.5   
8  Craig Hanley                2110 174 4.5   
9  Alan Norris           SCO   2332     4.5   
10 David A Farndon             2263 198 4.5   
11 Arthur Brameld        ENG   2115     4.5   
12 Jurgen Brustkern      GER   2298 198 4.5   
13 Martin J Simons       ENG   2233 197 4.5   
14 Adrian Jackson        ENG   2208 193 4.5   
15 Anthony Fulton              2220     4.5   
16 Philip Stimpson                  171 4.5   
17 Philip J Holt               2260 188 4     
18 David Hodge           ENG   2120 196 4     
19 Laurence Webb               2216     4     
20 Ian C Clark           ENG   2085 172 4     
21 Alan K Punnett              2160 185 4     
22 James Bourne                2085 169 4     
23 Francis Rayner        WAL   2213 205 4     
24 Antonius Goris        NED   2052 181 4     
25 Sophie Tidman                    144 4     
62 players

9) First Saturday, February and 1st Zuglo Hotel Open

Laszlo Nagy reports on the February editions of his First Saturday tournaments aswell as the 1st Zuglo Hotel Open . If you wish to contact him his new E-Mail address is:, his new website is at: . Tel-fax: (361)-263-28-59

Hoang Trang and Nguyen Anh Dung of Vietnam won the First Saturday GM closed tournament, there were no norms scored. FM Attilla Parkanyi won the IM event but was half a point short of the 9.5 point IM norm. The events started on the 6th of February in the halls of the Hungarian Chess Federation, Budapest.

The next First Saturday Events start on March 6th.

Final Standings
First Saturday February GM
Budapest HUN (HUN), ii 1999                              cat. VIII (2437)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 
 1 Nguyen Anh Dung          m VIE 2485 * = = = 1 1 1 1 = = 1 0  7.5  2566
 2 Hoang Thanh Trang       wg VIE 2450 = * 0 = = = 1 = 1 1 1 +  7.5  2569
 3 Csom, Istvan             g HUN 2455 = 1 * = = 1 0 = = 1 = =  6.5  2500
 4 Horvath, Csaba           g HUN 2524 = = = * = = = 1 = 0 1 +  6.5  2494
 5 Lukacs, Peter            g HUN 2467 0 = = = * = = = 1 1 = +  6.5  2499
 6 Miroshnichenko, Evgenij  m UKR 2500 0 = 0 = = * 1 1 = 1 1 0  6.0  2467
 7 Radjabov, Teimour        f AZE 2395 0 0 1 = = 0 * = = = 1 +  5.5  2441
 8 Vajda, Levente           m ROM 2484 0 = = 0 = 0 = * 1 = 1 +  5.5  2433
 9 Boricsev, Oleg           m HUN 2360 = 0 = = 0 = = 0 * = = =  4.0  2342
10 Vajda, Szidonia         wg ROM 2340 = 0 0 1 0 0 = = = * 0 +  4.0  2344
11 Toth, Andras               HUN 2301 0 0 = 0 = 0 0 0 = 1 * +  3.5  2316
12 Chernyshov, Konstantin   m RUS 2488 1 - = - - 1 - - = - - *  3.0  2257

FSIM February

Budapest HUN (HUN), ii 1999                              cat. II (2295)
                                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 
 1 Pinter, Gabor        HUN 2307 * = 1 = = = = 0 1 1 + 1 1 1  9.5  2468
 2 Parkanyi, Attila   f HUN 2362 = * = 1 0 = 1 = = = + 1 1 1  9.0  2430
 3 Zimmerman, Yuri    m RUS 2374 0 = * 0 1 = 1 1 1 0 = 1 = 1  8.0  2375
 4 Szeberenyi, Adam     HUN 2287 = 0 1 * 0 = 0 = 1 1 + = = 1  7.5  2352
 5 Farago, Sandor     m HUN 2314 = 1 0 1 * = 1 = 0 = 0 = = 1  7.0  2322
 6 Vadasz, Laszlo     g HUN 2300 = = = = = * = = = = = = = 1  7.0  2323
 7 Belotelov, Denis   f RUS 2262 = 0 0 1 0 = * = 1 1 = = = 1  7.0  2326
 8 Szuk, Balazs       f HUN 2415 1 = 0 = = = = * 0 0 = = 1 =  6.0  2256
 9 Jakab, Attila        HUN 2244 0 = 0 0 1 = 0 1 * 1 + 0 1 0  6.0  2269
10 Jamrich, Gyorgy      HUN 2294 0 = 1 0 = = 0 1 0 * = 1 0 1  6.0  2265
11 Paehtz, Elisabeth wm GER 2211 - - = - 1 = = = - = * = 1 1  6.0  2272
12 Serrer, Christoph  f GER 2285 0 0 0 = = = = = 1 0 = * = 1  5.5  2238
13 Mohammed, A          IRQ 2245 0 0 = = = = = 0 0 1 0 = * 1  5.0  2211
14 Kjetzae, Johnny      GER 2225 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 1 0 0 0 0 *  1.5  1964

1st Zuglo Hotel Open

After three rounds of the 1st Zuglo Hotel Open in Budapest (19th-27th of February) IM Yuri Zimmerman leads with 3/3 ahead of IM Attilla Turzo and Miklos Ezsol on 2.5.

There are 23 players in this event which is in the 2 Star Hotel Zuglo, Budapest. There are players from 7 countries (Hungary 14, Germany 3, Ukraine 1, Russia 2, Israel 1, Slovakia 1, and Slovenia 1) There are only 4 players without an international rating.

There are 4 IM-s Attila Turzo (HUN), Evgenij Miroshnichenko (UKR), Yuri Zimmerman (RUS) and Oleg Gladiszev (RUS).

In a first round surprise the Hungarian player, Mihaly Bodrogi beat on of the favourites Evgenij Miroshnichenko with white.

This is the start of five years of events in the Hotel Zuglo. There will be 3 events a year with the next taking place on August 21st.

Laszlo Nagy and Mrs. Ildiko Feher are the organisers.

10) The 13th International Open in Bern

The 13th International Open Bern took place in Bern, Switzerland 14-20 Feb 1999. A final round draw saw Josef Jurek take first place with 6/7. He also won in 1997. Further details: http//

1 IM Jurek Josef (TCH) 6/28

2-7 GM Barbero Gerardo (HUN-Budapest) 5.5/29, FM Goldstern Flip (Schaffhausen) 5.5 28/157.5, GM Ciric Dragoljub (YUG-Beograd) 5.5 28/157.5, IM Kaenel Hansjuerg (Ostermundigen) 5.5 28/151.5, Heilemann Manfred (D-Hannover) 5.5/27, IM Begovac Franja I(KRO) 5.5/24,

8-10 IM Kelecevic Nedeljko (BOS) 5.0/27.5, Hubschmid Stefan (Spiegel b. Bern) 5.0/26/160, Ernst Heinz (Bern) 5.0/26/159 etc. (78 Teilnehmer)

11) 8th Aurec rapidplay

Two rapidplay events took place over the weekend of Feb 20-21 reports Olivier Deville. All the players below won prizes of some sort but Igor Novikov won a blitz match versus Boris Chatalbashev, and he is therefore was the overall winner of the 8th Aurec chess tournament.


   1 GM NOVIKOV IGOR UKR 2601       6.5
   2 GM KIROV NINO BUL 2416         6
   4 GM MITKOV NIKOLA FRM 2483      5.5
   6 IM NEDEV TRAJCE FRM 2456       5.5
   7 CURSOUX LAURENT FRA 2230       5.5
   8 GM LUKOV VALENTIN BUL 2360     5
  12 IM HRESC VLADIMIR CRO 2419     5
  13 IM MOLLOV ELIN BUL 2402        5
  14 IM SAFRANSKA ANDA LAT 2253     5
  15 GM FLEAR GLENN ENG 2484        5
  16 GOURET THIERRY FRA 2296        5
  17 RAGGINI LIONEL FRA 2040        5
  18 BELLET GEORGES FRA 2231        5

  19 BENITAH YOHAN FRA 2341         4.5


   2 GM NOVIKOV IGOR UKR 2601       6  
   3 GM MITKOV NIKOLA FRM 2483      6

   4 GM FLEAR GLENN ENG 2484        5.5
   6 IM HRESC VLADIMIR CRO 2419     5.5
   7 GM LUKOV VALENTIN BUL 2360     5.5
   8 IM COSMA IOAN ROM 2473         5.5
   9 GM MARCIANO DAVID FRA 2521     5.5

  10 IM NEDEV TRAJCE FRM 2456       5
  11 IM SAFRANSKA ANDA LAT 2253     5
  12 BENITAH YOHAN FRA 2341         5
  13 GM KIROV NINO BUL 2416         5
  17 IM TODOROV OGNJAN BUL 2344     5
  19 MI MOLLOV ELIN BUL 2402        5
  20 BELLET GEORGES FRA 2231        5

12) 3rd Annual Best Western Mt. Vernon Chess Classic

Michael Atkins report: "62 players players journeyed to the town of Mt. Vernon this weekend, home of George Washington, for the 3rd Annual Best Western Mt. Vernon Chess Classic. It was a strong event as local tournaments go, with a quarter of the field rated over 2000 and four rated over 2400. FM Emory Tate was leading the field with an undefeated 4-0 going into the final round. He was paired against top rated IM Eugene Meyer and they produced a classic battle, with Tate hammering away at the kingside and Meyer pounding the queenside. After a lot of fireworks and some minor clearing of the smoke a draw was agreed leaving Tate in clear first awaiting the result of several other games. IM Larry Kaufman defeated NM Vladimir Grechkihin to tie for first at 4.5. Tied for third were IM Adrian Negulescu, Boris Reichstein, Bill Mason, and Floyd Boudreaux. Also scoring 4-1, but taking first for the Expert and Class A prizes were, respectively, Edgar Inocencio and Frank Redondo. Top scores are given below...

Best Western Mt. Vernon Classic
Leading final Standings

    Name                        rtng ID No.   rd 1  rd 2  rd 3  rd 4  rd 5 TOT
  1 Tate, Emory A ..............2418 11126545 W 22  W 19  W 16  W  7  D  3 4.5
  2 Kaufman, Lawrence...........2403 10179416 W 37  W 50  W  9  D  8  W 11 4.5
  3 Meyer, Eugene B.............2516 10122953 W 55  W 25  W 15  D 11  D  1 4.0
  4 Negulescu, Adrian...........2511 12759104 W 21  W 49  L  8  W 13  W 16 4.0
  5 Reichstein, Boris...........2297 12455549 W 52  D 27  W 26  W 12  D  8 4.0
  6 Mason, Bill R...............2263 11341667 W 23  L 36  W 56  W 27  W 18 4.0
  7 Boudreaux, Floyd A..........2200 10180732 W 39  W 54  W 36  L  1  W 19 4.0
  8 Inocencio, Edgarli..........2087 12495961 W 33  W 31  W  4  D  2  D  5 4.0
  9 Redondo, Frank..............1916 12695662 W 45  W 48  L  2  W 32  W 15 4.0
 10 Meyer, John C...............2331 10169518 D 51  W 60  L 13  W 24  W 30 3.5
 11 Grechikhin, Vladim..........2211 12613557 W 38  W 29  W 18  D  3  L  2 3.5
 12 Passov, Alexander...........2152 12422857 D 40  W 28  W 14  L  5  W 29 3.5
 13 Yavari, Paul................2038 12623693 H---  W 51  W 10  L  4  W 26 3.5
 14 Paul, Jon L.................1932 10189292 W 43  H---  L 12  W 31  W 33 3.5

13) Forthcoming Events

Chess Survey Results

Dr. Tor Rønnow of Denmark has carried out a survey of chess players. The purpose of the survey was to investigate, whether certain profiles can be ascribed to strong players as opposed to weaker players - then it might be clear, what the weaker players need to care about if they want to improve their game. The survey results are out now:

1999 Canadian Zonal Championship

1999 Canadian Zonal Championship Tournament (a.k.a. 1999 Canadian Closed) Date: September 2, 1999 through September 10, 1999 Place: Kiwanis Apps Mill Park, 335 Robinson Road, Brantford, Ontario Rds: 9 Type: Swiss Times: TBA TC: 40/2,20/1,S.D./30 EF: $200 Prizes: TBA - Projected: Sum of entries +

Reg: Limit of 50 players. Rating requirement of 2250 Rating used will likely be from June 29, 1999 or July 13, 1999. All entries payable to the CFC.

Misc: First place gets 20% of prize fund plus travel to next round of world championship cycle. See Section 8 on the CFC handbook to see if you qualify. On the web by February 22

For info contact Tony Ficzere @ 519-752-0715, or email

Panamerican Youth Festival

The Panamerican Youth Festival will be july 10-20 in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. The Mexican Chess Federation will be sending out invitations very soon. [Contact: ]