THE WEEK IN CHESS 168 - 26th January 1998 by Mark Crowther

Sponsored by the London Chess Center

Tel or fax      01274 882143 [Bradford England]

1) Introduction
2) 60th Hoogovens Tournament , Wijk aan Zee
3) Linares Open Tournament
4) Black Opal Tournament of Champions
5) 4NCL
6) 105th New Zealand Chess Championship
7) 1998 Virginia Open
8) Ongoing events
9) Upcoming Events

Games section

Hoogovens Wijk aan Zee                 42 games
Hoogovens Wijk aan Zee B               36 games
Hoogovens Wijk aan Zee Blitz           66 games
Anibal Open Linares                   164 games
Black Opal Melbourne                   45 games
Viginia Open                           11 games
4NCL                                   45 games

1) Introduction

My thanks to Nigel Freeman, John Saunders, Michael Atkins, Michael Freeman, Guillermo Baches Garcia, Lost Boys, Chess Assistant, Antonio Bento and all those who helped with this issue.

The 60th Hoogovens tournament is heading for a close finish in the final 4 rounds. Anand leads but only by half a point from Kramnik, Polgar, Timman and Shirov. It emerged this week that Kasparov's wish is to see a match between Kramnik and Anand for the right to face him in a match. He believes they are the only players that can prove a challenge. It remains to be seen whether they want to play such a match and oblige Kasparov, it may turn on the kind of sponsorship that can be arranged for such a match. Kasparov also says that it is pointless to play a match against Karpov as he is now too weak to provide a challenge. I have to say that although I somewhat subscribe to this view the performance of Karpov at Wijk aan Zee came as a surprise to me. I expected him to struggle to win the event, not to struggle to avoid finishing in the bottom half of the table. Its actually a pretty sad spectacle to me. I know Karpov will fight to finish on at least 50% so the last games against Polgar, Piket, Van der Sterren and Kramnik should be interesting.

Hope you enjoy this issue


2) 60th Hoogovens Tournament , Wijk aan Zee

The 60th Hoogovens Wijk aan Zee got underway on January 16th.

After nine rounds of the A group Viswanathan Anand has 6 points ahead of a group of four players Polgar, Timman, Kramnik and Shirov on 5.5 and Gelfand and Topalov are on 5 points. FIDE World Champion Anatoly Karpov is in the tie for 9-13 on 3.5/9.

Karpov has looked completely out of form throughout the event. He hasn't generated a single position which has even looked promising. Indeed he ought to have lost against Anand too. The grudge match between Karpov and Anand took place in the 8th round. Karpov as white played a relatively conservative setup against Anand's Semi-Slav playing for a minor edge. He then closed the position up bringing about a double stonewall formation. This has drawish tendencies but if one side can get a break in they are likely to gain the advantage. Anand set up the g5 break and double rooks behind it. Coming up to the first time control there was some very complex play. Anand had to be careful not to end up in a good knight versus bad bishop ending. Anand instead made time control and then after some thought played for the win with 41. ...d4+. Watching the game on the internet it was hard to judge the sacrifice, in particular the consequences of 44. Ng1. 44. Rf2 seems to lead directly to a loss. After 46. Kc3 everyone expected 46. ...e3 followed by Karpov's resignation. Instead Anand chose 46. ...Ra2. This led to a Queen and pawn ending which was probably winning but Karpov defended resourcefully. However even at the end 53. ...Qd2+ would have won for the Indian.

The nineth round saw pre-tournament favourites Anand and Kramnik meet. They played a highly sharp sicilian where Kramnik sacrificed two pawns for very strong pressure on the center and Kingside. Anand had to act very cirumspectly to stear the position to a draw.

Anand's week has had its ups and downs generally. A quick draw against Piket was followed by a crushing win against Topalov where the Bulgarian played 22. ...Ne7 which walked into a huge bind and subsequent 26. Nxg7! winning. 22. ...Rb8 was suggested as better afterwards. He followed this up with his first loss to Judit Polgar since 1991. Anand won a very similar game strategically to this as white against Gelfand recently. He ended up having to defend some ropey pawns and with a bad bishop against Polgar's good knight. Anand probably erred in not playing h5 the move before Judit did. Polgar slowly strangled Anand before finding a quite attractive combination sacrificing first her queen and then her rook in order to win all of Anand's pieces in return. He beat Van der Sterren in a slow manoevering game which wasn't really convincing.

Kramnik started the week the way he finished the last. He beat Boris Gelfand, although even in this game there were signs that perhaps he wasn't in top form in spite of his 100% score. Gelfand played 2. ...Bf5 a variation that looks very poor. He quickly built up a winning position before going quite wrong. 20. h5 was believed to win after the game instead his 20. Rc1 was poor. However Gelfand returned the favour with 21. ...Rb8 instead of 21. ...Rd8 and Kramnik made no more mistakes. However his luck didn't last much longer. Alexei Shirov took him on in a sharp variation where Kramnik sacrificed the exchange with 16. ...Rc3 however black has to play extremely accurately to justify this and 22. ...Rb8+ was just wrong. Shirov believed that 22. ...Bxa3 might have held the balance. Shirov played very accurately after this to bring home the point. Kramnik drew his next game against Timman when he miscalculated with his final move and a draw was agreed. Eager to pick up the pace in the following round he went for Van Wely with black. He followed a suggestion of Boris Gelfand's which did not work out too well as the Dutchman defended extremely accurately. He drew against Salov in round 8 and Anand in round 9.

Shirov with wins against Kramnik, Adams and Piket moved from the bottom half of the field to near the top. Also there is Jan Timman who is the only undefeated player. Wins against Adams and Van der Sterren also left him on 5.5 points. Judit Polgar playing some very solid and sensible chess completes the group half a points off the lead.

The final rounds promise to be fascinating.

Daily coverage on my pages and live coverage by Lost Boys at:

Round 4 (1998.01.20)

Polgar, Judit          -  Van Wely, Loek         1/2   42  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Kramnik, Vladimir      -  Gelfand, Boris         1-0   40  D11  Slav defence
Topalov, Veselin       -  Salov, Valery          1-0   57  B96  Sicilian; Najdorf
Piket, Jeroen          -  Anand, Viswanathan     1/2   18  D47  Semi-Slav
Karpov, Anatoly        -  Shirov, Alexei         1/2   45  E63  Kings indian
Van der Sterren, Paul  -  Timman, Jan H          0-1   29  D97  Gruenfeld indian
Nijboer, Friso         -  Adams, Michael         0-1   38  C88  Ruy Lopez

Round 5 (1998.01.21)

Anand, Viswanathan     -  Topalov, Veselin       1-0   29  C78  Ruy Lopez
Timman, Jan H          -  Karpov, Anatoly        1/2   27  D42  Semi-Tarrasch Defence.
Shirov, Alexei         -  Kramnik, Vladimir      1-0   52  B66  Sicilian
Gelfand, Boris         -  Nijboer, Friso         1-0   57  E99  Kings indian; Main line
Adams, Michael         -  Piket, Jeroen          1/2   25  C26  1.e4 e5
Salov, Valery          -  Polgar, Judit          1/2   13  A45  Queen's pawn
Van Wely, Loek         -  Van der Sterren, Paul  0-1   44  D37  Queen's gambit

Round 6 (1998.01.22)

Polgar, Judit          -  Anand, Viswanathan     1-0   56  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Kramnik, Vladimir      -  Timman, Jan H          1/2   30  B07  Pirc
Adams, Michael         -  Gelfand, Boris         1/2   19  B50  Sicilian
Piket, Jeroen          -  Topalov, Veselin       1-0   40  A32  English; 1.c4 c5
Karpov, Anatoly        -  Van Wely, Loek         1/2   29  E54  Nimzo indian
Van der Sterren, Paul  -  Salov, Valery          1-0   49  E17  Nimzo indian
Nijboer, Friso         -  Shirov, Alexei         1/2   48  C78  Ruy Lopez

Round 7 (1998.01.24)

Anand, Viswanathan     -  Van der Sterren, Paul  1-0   51  C95  Ruy Lopez
Timman, Jan H          -  Nijboer, Friso         1/2   45  B40  Sicilian
Shirov, Alexei         -  Adams, Michael         1-0   40  C88  Ruy Lopez
Gelfand, Boris         -  Piket, Jeroen          1/2   31  D36  Queen's gambit
Topalov, Veselin       -  Polgar, Judit          1/2   38  D39  Queen's gambit
Salov, Valery          -  Karpov, Anatoly        1-0   32  E15  Nimzo indian
Van Wely, Loek         -  Kramnik, Vladimir      1-0   47  D37  Queen's gambit

Round 8 (1998.01.25)

Kramnik, Vladimir      -  Salov, Valery          1/2   24  A33  English; 1.c4 c5
Gelfand, Boris         -  Shirov, Alexei         1/2   21  E97  Kings indian; Main line
Adams, Michael         -  Timman, Jan H          0-1   56  C26  1.e4 e5
Piket, Jeroen          -  Polgar, Judit          1/2   29  D86  Gruenfeld indian
Karpov, Anatoly        -  Anand, Viswanathan     1/2   60  D43  Semi-Slav
Van der Sterren, Paul  -  Topalov, Veselin       1/2   31  A59  Benko gambit
Nijboer, Friso         -  Van Wely, Loek         1/2   35  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf

Round 9 (1998.01.26)

Anand, Viswanathan     -  Kramnik, Vladimir      1/2   30  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Polgar, Judit          -  Van der Sterren, Paul  1-0   34  C43  Petroff defence
Timman, Jan H          -  Gelfand, Boris         1/2   33  E15  Nimzo indian
Shirov, Alexei         -  Piket, Jeroen          1-0   41  C97  Ruy Lopez
Topalov, Veselin       -  Karpov, Anatoly        1-0   50  D31  Queen's gambit
Salov, Valery          -  Nijboer, Friso         1/2   19  B43  Sicilian
Van Wely, Loek         -  Adams, Michael         0-1   37  E12  Nimzo indian

Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), I-II 1998                           cat. XVII (2671)
                                      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
 1 Anand, Viswanathan     g IND 2770  * 0 = = . . 1 . = = 1 . 1 1  6.0  2788
 2 Polgar, Judit          g HUN 2670  1 * = . 1 0 = . = . 1 . = =  5.5  2739
 3 Timman, Jan H          g NED 2620  = = * = . = = 1 . = 1 = . .  5.5  2768
 4 Kramnik, Vladimir      g RUS 2790  = . = * 0 1 . 1 1 . . 1 = 0  5.5  2735
 5 Shirov, Alexei         g ESP 2710  . 0 . 1 * = = 1 1 = = = . .  5.5  2747
 6 Gelfand, Boris         g BLR 2675  . 1 = 0 = * . = = = = 1 . .  5.0  2700
 7 Topalov, Veselin       g BUL 2740  0 = = . = . * . 0 1 = . 1 1  5.0  2701
 8 Adams, Michael         g ENG 2670  . . 0 0 0 = . * = = 1 1 . 1  4.5  2651
 9 Piket, Jeroen          g NED 2580  = = . 0 0 = 1 = * . . 0 = .  3.5  2619
10 Karpov, Anatoly        g RUS 2735  = . = . = = 0 = . * . = 0 =  3.5  2593
11 Van der Sterren, Paul  g NED 2555  0 0 0 . = = = 0 . . * . 1 1  3.5  2602
12 Nijboer, Friso         g NED 2590  . . = 0 = 0 . 0 1 = . * = =  3.5  2593
13 Salov, Valery          g RUS 2680  0 = . = . . 0 . = 1 0 = * =  3.5  2590
14 Van Wely, Loek         g NED 2605  0 = . 1 . . 0 0 . = 0 = = *  3.0  2563

Hoogovens B Tournament

The B event Rustam Kasimdzhanov leads with 6/6. A very provocative style has netted him a 100% score. Most of the games have seen his opponent go for him and find themselves somewhat lacking in material in the end.

Round 1 (1998.01.20)

Van den Doel, Erik      -  Alterman, Boris         1/2   29  C09  French; Tarrasch
Reinderman, Dimitri     -  Cherniaev, Alexander    1/2   43  B33  Sicilian; Sveshnikov
Van der Wiel, John T.H  -  Blees, Albert           1-0   34  C08  French; Tarrasch
Shaked, Tal             -  Kobalija, Mihail        0-1   38  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Xie Jun                 -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam    0-1   21  B08  Pirc; Classical
Bosboom, Manuel         -  Kuijf, Marinus          1-0   33  A11  English; 1.c4

Round 2 (1998.01.21)

Shaked, Tal             -  Bosboom, Manuel         1-0   63  A57  Benko gambit
Kobalija, Mihail        -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam    0-1   35  C07  French; Tarrasch
Alterman, Boris         -  Van der Wiel, John T.H  1/2   23  D48  Meran Variation
Cherniaev, Alexander    -  Xie Jun                 1-0   38  E76  Kings indian
Kuijf, Marinus          -  Van den Doel, Erik      1/2   18  B52  Sicilian
Blees, Albert           -  Reinderman, Dimitri     1/2   62  C41  Philidor defence

Round 3 (1998.01.22)

Kasimdzhanov, Rustam    -  Cherniaev, Alexander    1-0   15  D77  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Van den Doel, Erik      -  Shaked, Tal             0-1   69  B42  Sicilian
Reinderman, Dimitri     -  Alterman, Boris         1/2   41  B23  Sicilian; Closed
Van der Wiel, John T.H  -  Kuijf, Marinus          1/2   21  C02  French; Advance
Xie Jun                 -  Blees, Albert           1-0   29  B42  Sicilian
Bosboom, Manuel         -  Kobalija, Mihail        0-1   44  A42  Queen's pawn

Round 4 (1998.01.23)

Shaked, Tal             -  Van der Wiel, John T.H  1/2   16  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Kobalija, Mihail        -  Cherniaev, Alexander    1/2   54  E61  Kings indian
Alterman, Boris         -  Xie Jun                 0-1   46  A48  Queen's pawn
Kuijf, Marinus          -  Reinderman, Dimitri     0-1   29  B01  Scandinavian
Blees, Albert           -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam    0-1   36  A62  Modern Benoni
Bosboom, Manuel         -  Van den Doel, Erik      0-1   37  E61  Kings indian

Round 5 (1998.01.24)

Kasimdzhanov, Rustam    -  Alterman, Boris         1-0   52  A17  English; 1.c4
Van den Doel, Erik      -  Kobalija, Mihail        1-0   97  B06  Modern defence
Reinderman, Dimitri     -  Shaked, Tal             1-0   36  B20  Sicilian
Van der Wiel, John T.H  -  Bosboom, Manuel         1-0   38  B85  Sicilian
Xie Jun                 -  Kuijf, Marinus          1/2   22  C06  French; Tarrasch
Cherniaev, Alexander    -  Blees, Albert           1/2   41  C02  French; Advance

Round 6 (1998.01.26)

Van den Doel, Erik      -  Van der Wiel, John T.H  1-0   30  B76  Sicilian; Dragon
Shaked, Tal             -  Xie Jun                 1/2   33  E76  Kings indian
Kobalija, Mihail        -  Blees, Albert           1/2   60  C08  French; Tarrasch
Alterman, Boris         -  Cherniaev, Alexander    1-0   35  A21  English; 1.c4 e5
Kuijf, Marinus          -  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam    0-1   40  B08  Pirc; Classical
Bosboom, Manuel         -  Reinderman, Dimitri     1/2   26  B06  Modern defence

Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), I 1998                             cat. XI (2502)
                                       1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam    m UZB 2565  * . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 .  6.0      
 2 Van den Doel, Erik      m NED 2485  . * . 1 0 1 . = . = . 1  4.0  2640
 3 Reinderman, Dimitri     m NED 2480  . . * . 1 . . = = 1 = =  4.0  2624
 4 Van der Wiel, John T.H  g NED 2515  . 0 . * = . . = . = 1 1  3.5  2559
 5 Shaked, Tal             g USA 2535  . 1 0 = * 0 = . . . . 1  3.0  2489
 6 Kobalija, Mihail        g RUS 2500  0 0 . . 1 * . . = . = 1  3.0  2495
 7 Xie Jun                 g CHN 2485  0 . . . = . * 1 0 = 1 .  3.0  2515
 8 Alterman, Boris         g ISR 2615  0 = = = . . 0 * 1 . . .  2.5  2442
 9 Cherniaev, Alexander    m RUS 2465  0 . = . . = 1 0 * . = .  2.5  2459
10 Kuijf, Marinus          m NED 2455  0 = 0 = . . = . . * . 0  1.5  2307
11 Blees, Albert           m NED 2455  0 . = 0 . = 0 . = . * .  1.5  2308
12 Bosboom, Manuel         m NED 2470  . 0 = 0 0 0 . . . 1 . *  1.5  2302

Hoogovens Blitz

The first rest day on the 19th saw the traditional blitz tournament. Only Anand and Van der Sterren didn't play. First place was shared by Anatoly Karpov and Boris Gelfand. Karpov being undefeated.

Wijk aan Zee NED (NED), I 1998                      cat. XVII (2672)
                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Karpov, Anatoly    g RUS 2735  * = = 1 = = 1 = = 1 1 1  8.0  2841
 2 Gelfand, Boris     g BLR 2675  = * = 0 = = 1 1 1 1 1 1  8.0  2846
 3 Adams, Michael     g ENG 2670  = = * 1 1 0 1 1 = = = 1  7.5  2805
 4 Piket, Jeroen      g NED 2580  0 1 0 * 1 = = 0 1 1 1 1  7.0  2782
 5 Kramnik, Vladimir  g RUS 2790  = = 0 0 * = = 1 1 1 1 1  7.0  2763
 6 Shirov, Alexei     g ESP 2710  = = 1 = = * = 0 0 1 = =  5.5  2668
 7 Polgar, Judit      g HUN 2670  0 0 0 = = = * 1 1 1 0 =  5.0  2636
 8 Timman, Jan H      g NED 2620  = 0 0 1 0 1 0 * = 0 1 1  5.0  2640
 9 Salov, Valery      g RUS 2680  = 0 = 0 0 1 0 = * = = 1  4.5  2606
10 Topalov, Veselin   g BUL 2740  0 0 = 0 0 0 0 1 = * 1 1  4.0  2563
11 Van Wely, Loek     g NED 2605  0 0 = 0 0 = 1 0 = 0 * 1  3.5  2545
12 Nijboer, Friso     g NED 2590  0 0 0 0 0 = = 0 0 0 0 *  1.0  2296

3) Linares Open Tournament

A strong international open took place in Linares Spain. Sergei Tiviakov took clear first with 8/9 ahead of Tony Miles, Stanislav Savchenko, Karen Movsziszian, Georgy Timoshenko, Karen Asrian, Rustam Kasimdzhanov and Gennady Kuzmin on 7.5. The field also included Viktor Korchnoi, Vladimir Epishin and Valeri Filippov in the 186 participants. Korchnoi finished the event, at one stage it looked as though he might withdraw after a most distressing loss in round four where it look as if Korchnoi became distracted at his opponents unwillingness to resign and contrived to lose. Coverage including full results on the internet at: .

My thanks to Guillermo Baches Garcia for the info.

Anibal Open 1998 Linares Spain
Final results after 10 rounds

Player                                       Points   B(1)   B(0)   Prog 
 1 Tiviakov, Sergei              g  RUS  2640   8.0   51.0   54.5   39.0 
 2 Miles, Anthony J.             g  ENG  2595   7.5   63.0   68.5   48.0 
 3 Savchenko, Stanislav          g  UKR  2595   7.5   58.5   64.0   45.0 
 4 Movsziszian, Karen            g  ARM  2500   7.5   58.5   63.0   44.5 
 5 Timoshenko, Georgy            g  UKR  2560   7.5   57.5   62.0   43.5 
 6 Asrian, Karen                 m  ARM  2555   7.5   56.5   61.5   43.5 
 7 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam          g  UZB  2565   7.5   53.5   58.5   41.0 
 8 Kuzmin, Gennadi P             g  UKR  2580   7.5   51.5   54.5   37.0 
 9 Epishin, Vladimir             g  RUS  2590   7.0   59.5   64.5   43.5 
10 Korneev, Oleg                 g  RUS  2560   7.0   59.0   64.0   44.0 
11 Filippov, Valerij             g  RUS  2595   7.0   57.5   62.5   41.5 
12 Korchnoi, Viktor              g  SUI  2630   7.0   55.5   59.5   39.0 
13 Shneider, Aleksandr           g  UKR  2560   7.0   54.5   57.5   38.0 
14 Lalic, Bogdan                 g  CRO  2545   7.0   53.0   57.5   38.5 
15 Barua, Dibyendu               g  IND  2520   7.0   52.5   57.0   39.5 
16 Luther, Thomas                g  GER  2510   7.0   51.0   54.5   39.0 
17 Pogorelov, Ruslan             m  UKR  2465   7.0   50.5   54.0   36.0 
18 Wang, Pin (w)                 g  CHN  2360   7.0   41.0   41.0   33.0 
19 Yegiazarian, Arsen            m  ARM  2455   6.5   61.5   64.5   41.5 
20 Dimitrov, Vladimir            g  BUL  2450   6.5   57.0   61.5   40.0 
21 Al-Modiahki, Mohamad          m  QAT  2425   6.5   56.5   61.0   39.0 
22 Kruppa, Yuri                  g  UKR  2540   6.5   56.0   61.0   38.5 
23 Zhu, Chen (w)                 g  CHN  2490   6.5   55.5   60.5   39.0 
24 Xu, Jun                       g  CHN  2520   6.5   55.0   60.0   40.0 
25 Agnos, Dimitri                g  GRE  2475   6.5   55.0   60.0   39.0 
26 Aronian, Levon                m  ARM  2455   6.5   54.5   59.0   38.0 
27 Nataf, Igor-Alexandre         m  FRA  2485   6.5   54.0   58.0   36.0 
28 Degraeve, Jean-Marc           m  FRA  2525   6.5   53.0   57.5   38.5 
29 Magem Badals, Jorge           g  ESP  2535   6.5   52.0   56.0   37.5 
30 Istratescu, Andrei            g  ROM  2575   6.5   50.5   55.0   34.0 
31 Comas Fabrego, Luis           m  ESP  2520   6.5   49.5   52.5   32.5 
32 Rodriguez Lopez, Rafael       f  ESP  2285   6.5   48.5   51.5   32.5 
33 Bagaturov, Giorgi             m  GEO  2535   6.5   47.0   50.5   32.5 
34 Subbaraman, Vijayalakshmi (w) m  IND  2325   6.5   43.0   46.0   27.5 
186 players

4) Black Opal Tournament of Champions

Ian Rogers won the Black Opal Tournament of Champions in mid January. The first prize was $A1,200 plus a black opal pendant. The ratings I used below are the old July 1997 ones.

Melbourne AUS (AUS) I 1998                               cat. IV (2327)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Rogers, Ian              g AUS 2570  * = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  8.5  2744
 2 Johansen, Darryl K       g AUS 2500  = * 1 = = = 1 1 1 1  7.0  2527
 3 Canfell, Gregory           AUS 2250  0 0 * 1 1 = = = 1 1  5.5  2415
 4 West, Guy                m AUS 2425  0 = 0 * = = 1 1 = =  4.5  2316
 5 Leskiewicz, Maksymilian    AUS 2145  0 = 0 = * 0 1 1 1 =  4.5  2347
 6 Speck, Nick                AUS 2185  0 = = = 1 * = 0 = =  4.0  2299
 7 Reilly, Tim                AUS 2330  0 0 = 0 0 = * 1 1 1  4.0  2283
 8 Byrne, Stewart             AUS 2280  0 0 = 0 0 1 0 * 0 1  2.5  2166
 9 Kagan, Naum              f AUS 2280  0 0 0 = 0 = 0 1 * =  2.5  2166
10 Rutherford, Simon        f AUS 2305  0 0 0 = = = 0 0 = *  2.0  2109

5) 4NCL

In the Four Nations Chess League (for British Teams) the Midland Monarchs kept their 100% record by beating a strengthened Slough team. Invicta Knights are 2 points behind. The 5th and 6th rounds took place in Birmingham (round 6 results next week) 24th-25th January 1998. My thanks to John Saunders for the games. The 4NCL site is at;

        Midland Monarchs                Slough     
1 w     M Hebden        2585    1/2     M Gurevich      2640
2 b     J Parker        2515    1/2     AJ Miles        2595
3 w     J Rowson        2485    1/2     S Conquest      2470
4 b     M Ferguson      2410    1-0     A Kosten        2535
5 w     K Arkell        2455    1/2     A Summerscale   2440
6 b     A Webster       2420    1/2     Susan Lalic     2370
7 w     M Turner        2470    1-0     Mi Houska       2385
8 b     Harriet Hunt    2390    0-1     AP Smith        2280

        Wood Green                      Invicta Knights
1 w     J Emms          2560    1/2     M Sadler        2650
2 b     C Ward          2480    0-1     J Nunn          2610
3 w     K Arakhamia     2440    0-1     J Speelman      2605
4 b     J Levitt        2425    1/2     N McDonald      2485
5 w     P Littlewood    2435    0-1     G Flear         2445
6 b     J Poulton       2365    1/2     N Dickenson     2320
7 w     A Law           2325    1-0     F Berend        2350
8 b     P Sowray        2350    1-0     E Sakh'va-Berend2345

        Northumbria Vikings             Barbican
1 w     N Pert          2325    1-0     P Lehtivaara    2370
2 b     J Richardson    2315    0-1     C Crouch        2410
3 w     R Pert          2235    1-0     S Dishman       2325
4 b     D Ledger        2255    1-0     C Duncan        2290
5 w     S Ledger        2225    1-0     K Bowden        2355
6 b     S Dighton        191    1-0     G Kenworthy     2265
7 w     Default                 0d      D Sands         2255
8 b     Elise Ford       138    0-1     I Lauterbach    2160

        Guildford 1                     Richmond
1 w     A Kinsman       2430    1/2     L McShane       2490
2 b     N Povah         2335    1/2     R Bates         2430
3 w     R Webb          2315    1-0     S Williams      2315
4 b     C Kennaugh      2295    0-1     G Wall          2320
5 w     M Anderton      2260    1/2     R Phillips      2230
6 b     I Thompson      2275    0-1     T Hinks-Edwards 2260
7 w     R Abayasekera   2230    0-1     M Franklin      2195
8 b     Anne-Marie Ashby2115    1-0     Dinah Norman     147

        Bristol 1                       BCM
1 w     S Ansell        2380    0-1     J Mestel        2480
2 b     CW Baker        2340    1/2     M Chandler      2555
3 w     G Buckley       2315    0-1     T Wall          2375
4 b     K Mah           2340    0-1     D Friedgood     2240
5 w     C Beaumont      2335    1-0     M Lyell         2235
6 b     G Copeland      2330    1/2     Jana Bellin     2175
7 w     C Cobb          2300    1/2     D Anderton      2200
8 b     Melanie Buckley 2010    1/2     J Wareing        167

        North West Eagles               South Wales Dragons
1 w     J Littlewood    2290    1/2     D Cummings      2365
2 b     G Quillan       2320    1-0     J Cooper        2335
3 w     B Lund          2255    1-0     R Dineley       2270
4 b     D Tebb          2260    1-0     C Morris        2245
5 w     J Merriman      2255    0-1     An Dyce         2230
6 b     S Clarke        2285    1-0     D James         2255
7 w     W Giblin        2160    1-0     A Spice         2190
8 b     Default                 0-1     Jane Richmond   2175

Division 1 after Rd 5   P      MP        GP

Midland Monarchs        5      10       28.5
Invicta Knights 1       5       8       23.5
Wood Green              5       6       23.5
Slough                  5       6       23.0
Barbican 1              5       6       21.0
Richmond                5       6       19.0
BCM                     5       4       20.0
North West Eagles       5       4       20.0
Guildford 1             5       4       19.0
Northumbria             5       3       12.0
Bristol 1               5       2       16.5
South Wales Dragons     5       1       14.0

6) 105th New Zealand Chess Championship

Michael Freeman reports that the 105th NZ Chess Champion is Alexei Kulashko of Auckland.The event, held in Hamilton from 28th Dec to 9th Jan saw 18 players compete over a 11 round swiss format.

Final scores-

A. Kulashko 	8.5
A. Ker	     	8
R. Smith    	7.5
M Sinclair	  7.5
S Lukey		    6.5
P Green		    6.5
S Wastney   	6
T Hare		     5.5
A Krstev	    5.5
B Walsh		    5
D Guthrie	   4.5
M Barlow	    4.5
P Hawkes	    4.5
D Cooper	    4.5
G Spain		    4
G Marner	    4
R Gibbons	   3.5
H Bennett	   3

7) 1998 Virginia Open

Michael Atkins reports that IM Larry Kaufman and FM Emory Tate took the top honors in the 1998 Virginia Open, held over the Jan 16-18 weekend in Fredericksburg. The rating system held true to form as Kaufman and Tate, #'s 1 and 2 respectively finished with 4.5, Leonid Filatov (#3 ranked) scored 4-1 to take third and Charles Bouzoukis and Steve Greanias (#'s 4 + 5) tied for fourth. 36 players competed in the Open Section. In the 113 player Amateur section, Ransom Carter scored a perfect 6-0 for clear first. Full details at

8) Ongoing events

Mermaid Beach Club tournaments

Nigel Freeman sends news of the Mermaid Beach Club event which started on Sunday. There will be coverage at:

Round 1 result
Europe 6.5            Americas 3.5

Shabalov       0:1    Vl. Georgiev
Relange        1:0    Lesiege
Hodgson        0:1    Vescovi
Leitao         0:1    Bezold
Ippolito        =     Gormally
D.Gurevich     0:1    Plaskett
Peptan         0:1    Ashley
Waitzkin       0:1    Baburin
K.Mueller       =     Zamora
D.Fridman       =     J.Benjamin

Faulks         0:1    Resika
Elbilia         =     Saint Amand
Manouck        0:1    Moffat

Brasilia City Open

Antonio Bento sends news of a 7 round event being led by Sunye Neto after 5 rounds. Coverage at:

Ubeda Open

The Ubeda 10 round open is underway. After 7 rounds Georgy Timoshenko leads with 6/7 ahead of Pelletier, Lalic, Zhu Chen, Reynoldo Vera, Dibyendu Barua, Yuri Kruppa, Walter Arencibia and Ara Miasian on 5.5. 20 - 29 January 1998

Coverage on the internet at:

Moscow Russian Cup

Chess Assistant have the results and some games from the ongoing Moscow part of the Russian Cup. 21-29 January. At:

9) Upcoming Events


7th - 19th of February Budapest tournament, category VIII. 14 participants in the GM closed event. Contact the organiser Laszlo Nagy at


There is a vacancy for a FM or 2300 above player in the B-event (IM-closed, cat.II.)


Details:BUNRATTY CHESS FESTIVAL 20th 22nd February 1998 Venue: Fitzpatricks Bunratty Hotel Bunratty, Co. Clare Phone +353-61-361177 6 Round Swiss, round 1 Friday 20th at 8.00pm. Masters (over) 1900 (163 BCF) Entry Fee #20 (all players) Major 1500 1899 (113-162 BCF) Entry Fee #15 (#10 under 18 years) Minor under 1500 (112) Entry Fee #15(#10 under 18 years) Further details and entry to: Gerry Graham 19 Woodview Close, Woodview Park, Limerick. Tel:+353-61-327946 e-mail:

Confirmed Entry in Masters: J Nunn G.M. J Speelman G.M. A. Baburin G.M. D. King G.M. J.Rowson I.M. L. McShane I.M. M. Orr I.M.

Internet coverage;


21th INTERNATIONAL OPEN OF CHESS IN PARIS (14/02/98 to 22/02/98 ) Organized by APSAP PARIS CHESS CLUB Mr CLAUZEL Chess Président In....Gymnase Parmentier 155, avenue Parmentier 75 010 Paris parisian underground : Goncourt 40 moves / 2 hours and 1 hour ko Last entries 14/02/98 14h15 All the rounds are at 15h, except the sunday's rounds ( 2 and 9 ) Senior Players 320 FF Youngs - 20 160 FF MI, GMI gratis if they write or phone 48h before... Many prizes and a good chess atmosphere in a popular parisian chess club.... 1 6 000 FF 2 5 000 FF 3 4 000 FF 4 3 000 FF 5 2 000 FF Others prizes... categories ( 1 to 5 eventually ) 1 000 FF, 600 FF women 500 FF youngs 500 FF olds 500 FF club 500 FF If 200 players, more prices of course...... Contact snail post : Mr André CLAUZEL 1612, allée du Vieux Pont de Sévres 92 100 BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT phone : 01 46 20 13 14 e mail: