THE WEEK IN CHESS 103                    28/10/96        Mark Crowther

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Produced for Thoth Communications Corporation part
of Grandmaster Technologies Incorporated.

1)  Introduction
2)  Fontys International Tournament in Tilburg
3)  International Tournament in Jakarta Indonesia
4)  Russian Chess Championships Elista
5)  XII World Youth Chess Festival
6)  Owens-Corning Tournament Wrexham Wales.
7)  Loures International Tournament.
8)  The European Individual Rapid Chess Championship
9)  Peter Heine Nielsen is the new Danish Chess Champion
10) 1996 World Micro-Computer Chess Championships. Jakarta Indonesia.
11) Kasparov to reign back appearances.
12) The Czech System - 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6!? - Part III


Main Section

It, Tilburg NED 1996          	12, Fontys Tournament
It, Jakarta INA 1996          	45, Jakarta Tournament.
Exhibition, Jakarta 1996         4,
Exhibition Rapid, Jakarta 1996   6,
It, Wrexham WAL 1996          	45, Owens Corning Tournament.
ch-DEN playoff Copenhagen 1996   4,
It, Loures POR 1996             42, Category 2 event.

Russian Championships Section

ch-RUS, Elista 1996            182 Russian Championships

Computer Section

World Micro-Computer Champs    140 games.

1) Introduction

My thanks to Chiacs, Adrian, TASC, ChessAssistant, John, Derek Jones,
Per Rasmussen and Under Uret, Luis Santos, Marco R. Martini, Chess Planet
and Jos Uiterwijk for their coverage of various events this week.

Another incredible week with the number of top class International events
continuing to increase. Highlights are the end of the Fontys Tournament,
the very strong Russian Chess Championships and the mouth watering
prospect of the Las Palmas tournament in December.

Hope you enjoy this isssue


2)  Fontys International Tournament in Tilburg

Boris Gelfand and Jeroen Piket share first in Tilburg as Karpov fails.

Tilburg returned as a host for International Chess after a break since
1994. With a new sponsor, Fontys, they put together an interesting
Category 16 event. They chose to invite the younger players as far as
possible and Gelfand at 28 and Karpov at 45 years of age were the only
"veterans" in the event. Indeed the average age of the competitors
should have been even lower, until Vladimir Kramnik withdrew just before
the event to be replaced by Gelfand. This is the second time in a year
that Gelfand has been invited to a major tournament in the Netherlands
as a Supersub. He was the last minute replacement for the unpredictable
Vassily Ivanchuk at the VSB tournament.

With such great competition amongst the very best players for
invitations this was a major opportunity for players such as Emil
Sutovskij, Peter Svidler, Joel Lautier, Zoltan Almasi ,Loek Van Wely,
Jeroen Piket and Peter Leko to show their worth. The pre-tournament
favourites were Karpov, Gelfand, Shirov, Adams and Judit Polgar being
the more established names.

In the end the only two unbeaten players Boris Gelfand and Jeroen Piket
won the event. The both played solid chess, and both were in trouble
just once, against the same opponent, Peter Leko. Boris Gelfand has had
a busy time since his unexpected invitation to the VSB. His results have
continued to improve and his highly professional approach makes him a
formidable competitor. He only really let one player off the hook and
that was Zoltan Almasi who found a repetition of the position when
standing worse.

Jeroen Piket reached the top 20 in the World a couple of years ago but
since then his rating has dropped like a stone. Only recently has he
shown signs  of getting his act together and he was delighted to win his
first tournament in two years. He was even happier with his play in the
last five rounds than the fact that he shared first place. "It gives me
hope for the future."

There is always a conflict for a professional player. Should he just try
for the best result? or should he play for entertainment as well. The
1970's saw many tournaments where there were too many draws amongst the
major players. From the mid-80's organisers have become much tougher on
this. Not all crack the whip as hard as Rentero in Linares, but players
are certainly informed if they don't give value for money. Although I
like exciting attacking chess, I don't like it at any cost. Shirov won
the most games 5, but only Judit Polgar lost more than the 3 he lost
here.  He played a very odd tournament with some quite controlled chess
for the first four rounds before his play became quite odd. He
sacrificed a pawn with Black against Karpov and managed to hold the
draw, Karpov was reported to be very upset at not winning that position,
one that would normally have been tailor made for him. He lost against
Van Wely (unsound pawn sacrifice in the Sicilian), Gelfand (exchanged
off his bishop leaving his dark square begging for mercy), won against
Polgar (great theory, attractive win), lost against Piket (unsound
sacrifice of a piece after incorrect exchange of Queens), won against
Adams (very classy endgame performance). Not on the whole the kind of
performance that would do well in a Category 18 event or that does
justice to his immense talent but the kind that keeps the sponsor happy.

Van Wely after years of playing in International Opens is starting to
get invitations to top class all play all's. He is showing signs of
improving the class of his play, although he still has his weak moments.
He had a bizarre start to the tournament with a draw a piece down
against Adams, a draw from a totally winning position against Leko and a
win due to a bad move accompanied by a draw offer from Almasi. Then he
lost a miniature in round 5 against Sutovskij without ever getting going.
From then on his play jumped up a whole class. He got a stable
positional advantage against Karpov and converted it without
counter chance, he calmly refuted Shirov's over exuberant attacking play
and looked set to draw out the rest of the tournament. Instead he lost
in the last round to Jeroen Piket. Here after some creative play from
Piket (22. ...Bd4) he managed to calm the position down and get an
ending that looked drawable. According to suggestions from the
commentary room (where Jan Timman was the star) there was a direct draw
for Van Wely with 37. Ra7 (backrank threats and doubling on the 7th were
on the cards then) . After his mistaken 37. Re7 he was probably  close
to losing. Piket however returned the favour with the over-ambitious
44. ....d3 this allowed a final chance for quite an easy draw with 49.
Rc1. This would allow him to either push the c-Pawn or return to a1 if
a2 was played. This would cover the second rank with the rook and cut
out the penetration that won the game.) Still he looks to have
benefited a lot from his seconding of Kamsky in his match against

Peter Leko who became the World's youngest Grandmaster at 13 is now 17
and is struggling to adjust his style to win games. He doesn't yet have
the precision to win with white and draw with black and this has lead to
accusations of excessive passificism. Yet he had a disaster earlier in
the year when he tried a more active style. Here he moved to +2 before
the last round but was absolutely demolished by a very motivated Karpov.
One can't help feeling that the Gruenfeld is not the opening to play
against Karpov. Nevertheless there are signs that he is ready for
improving again and living up to his immense promise.

Karpov had one of those tournaments where nothing went right. A Category
16 event is almost the lowest Category event that he plays in. He
usually draws with Black in these events and picks up three or four wins
with white. This formula came unstuck almost from the start. His
Caro-Kann was crushed by Almasi and his Queen's Indian was ground down
by Van Wely.  He really didn't generate many chances with the white
pieces, he was reported to be quite upset at letting Shirov off the
hook. He won against Lautier with white in round 2 and in the final
round, faced with the prospect of scoring less than 50% in this event
played with cold eyed ruthlessness to destroy Peter Leko in one of the
games of the tournament.

Almost all the other players will be disappointed with their
performances. Only Emil Sutovkij who gained rating points has reason to
be pleased. Judit Polgar was especially disappointing. Her active style
never came off for her here and her mother thought the event at least
one event too far in a crowded last six months chess for her.

Theoretical Material

There were several important theoretical games played in the event.
Various methods were tried in this complex of  Sicilian Defences. Jon
Speelman points out that Shirov's win against Judit Polgar reached the
same position as Shirov-Anand by transposition from the Buenos Aires
1994 Sicilian Tournament on move 13. His Nxe6 is an improvement over the
13.fxe6 he played in that game.

Svidler,P (2650) - Van Wely,L (2605) [B85]
Tilburg NED (08), 1996

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be2 e6 7.f4 Be7 8.Be3 0-0
9.0-0 Nc6

[9...Qc7 10.g4 Re8

(   10...b5 11.g5 Nfd7 12.Bd3 Re8 13.Qh5 g6 14.Qh4 b4 15.Nce2 Bb7 16.Rf3
h5  17.Ng3 Bf8 18.Nxh5 gxh5 19.Qxh5 Bg7 20.f5 exf5 21. Nxf5 Nf8 22.Nxg7
Kxg7  23.Bd4+ Re5 24.Raf1 1-0 Sutovskij,E-Van Wely,L/Tilburg NED (05)

10...Nc6 11.g5 Nd7 12.f5 Nde5 13.f6 Bd8 14.Bd3 Nxd4  15.Bxd4 Qa5 16.fxg7
Kxg7 17.Kh1 Bb6 18.Bxe5+ Qxe5 19.Qh5 Be3 20.Rf3 Bxg5  21.Rg1 f6 22.h4
1-0 Sutovskij,E-Polgar,J/Tilburg NED (07) 1996   )

11.f5 Bf8 12. g5 Nfd7 13.Nxe6 fxe6 14.Bh5 g6 15.fxg6 Re7 16.Nd5 exd5
17.Qxd5+ Kh8 18. gxh7 Rxh7 19.Bg6 Bg7 20.Bxh7 Qd8 21.Bf5 Ne5 22.Qd1 Bxf5
23.exf5 Qe8 24.g6  Ng4 25.Bd4 Qe4 26.f6 Nc6 27.fxg7+ Kg8 28.Rf8+ Rxf8
29.gxf8Q+ Kxf8 30.Qf1+  1-0 Shirov,A-Polgar,J/Tilburg NED (09) 1996]

10.Qe1 Nxd4 11.Bxd4 b5 12.a3  Bb7 13.Qg3 Bc6 14.Rae1 Qd7 15.Bd3 a5 16.b4
axb4 17.axb4 e5 18.fxe5 dxe5 19. Qxe5 Bd6 20.Qf5 Bxh2+ 21.Kxh2 Qxd4
22.e5 Bd7 23.Qf3 Ng4+ 24.Kh1 Nxe5 25. Bxh7+ Kxh7 26.Qh5+ Kg8 27.Qxe5
Qh4+ 28.Qh2 Qxh2+ 29.Kxh2 Rfe8 30.Rxe8+  Bxe8 31.Rf5 Rc8 32.Nxb5 Rxc2
33.Nd4 Rc4 34.Rd5 Rxb4 35.Rd8 Kh7 36.Rxe8  Rxd4 37.Kg3 f5 38.Kf3 Kh6
39.Re3 Kh5 40.g3 g5 41.Ra3 g4+ 42.Kg2 Rd6 43.Ra4  Kg5 44.Rf4 Kf6 45.Rf1
Rd2+ 46.Kg1 Re2 47.Rf4 Ke5 1/2

Gruenfeld Indian.

Karpov played 10.Qc5 which he claimed to be a novelty. The move is given
as a footnote in ECO volume D. However it only gives the line as level
or slightly better for Black. In Smyslov-Kicuev Leningrad 1977 9. ...Nb6
10. Qd3 Bf5 11. Qe3 Nc6 12. O-O Nb4 is given as better for Black, so
perhaps 9. ...Kh8 (especially given the way the King was attacked) was a
mistake from Leko.) However given the brutal way Leko was  dispatched
perhaps the line will be tried again by white.

Karpov,An (2775) - Leko,P (2630) [D97]
Tilburg NED (11), 1996

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Qb3 dxc4 6.Qxc4 0-0 7.e4 a6 8.e5
Nfd7 9.Be3 Nb6 10.Qc5 Be6 11.Ng5 Bf5 12.Be2 Kh8 13.g4 Bc8 14.0-0-0 f6
15. Nge4 f5 16.gxf5 Bxf5 17.h4 N8d7 18.Qa3 Nd5 19.Ng5 N7b6 20.h5 Nxe3
21.fxe3  Bh6 22.Nce4 Qd7 23.hxg6 Qc6+ 24.Kd2 Qxg6 25.Rdg1 Rad8 26.e6
Rxd4+ 27.exd4  Bxe4 28.Rxh6 Qxh6 29.Qe3 1-0

Caro Kann

Karpov's 13. ...Ng6 can at the very least be called unusual.

Polgar,J (2665) - Karpov,An (2775) [D42]
Tilburg NED (08), 1996

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.c4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e6 6.Nf3 Be7 7.cxd5 Nxd5
8.Bd3  Nc6 9.0-0 0-0 10.Re1 Bf6 11.Be4 Nce7 12.Ne5 Ng6N 13.Qf3 Nxc3
14.bxc3 Bxe5  15.dxe5 Qa5 16.Rb1 Nxe5 17.Qe2 a6 18.Rb3 Nc6 19.Bb2 e5
20.c4 1/2

Round 10 (1996.10.22)

Piket, Jeroen   - Shirov, Alexei   1-0   42  D48  Meran Variation
Leko, Peter     - Sutovskij, Emil  1/2   33  B93  Sicilian; Najdorf
Adams, Michael  - Karpov, Anatoly  1/2   45  B12  Caro-Kann
Almasi, Zoltan  - Lautier, Joel    1/2   35  B90  Sicilian; Najdorf
Svidler, Peter  - Gelfand, Boris   1/2   26  B92  Sicilian; Najdorf
Polgar, Judit   - Van Wely, Loek   1/2   39  B93  Sicilian; Najdorf

Round 11 (1996.10.23)

Gelfand, Boris  - Polgar, Judit    1/2   15  D76  1.d4 d5 2.c4 g6
Shirov, Alexei  - Adams, Michael   1-0   61  C69  Ruy Lopez; Exchange
Van Wely, Loek  - Piket, Jeroen    0-1   60  E91  Kings indian; Classical
Karpov, Anatoly - Leko, Peter      1-0   29  D97  Gruenfeld indian
Sutovskij, Emil - Almasi, Zoltan   1/2   36  C47  Four knights
Lautier, Joel   - Svidler, Peter   1/2   22  A21  English; 1.c4 e5

Tilburg NED (NED), X 1996.                         cat. XVI (2648)
                                1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Gelfand, Boris   g BLR 2665  * = 1 = = = 1 1 = = = =  7.0  2748
 2 Piket, Jeroen    g NED 2580  = * 1 1 = = = = = = 1 =  7.0  2756
 3 Shirov, Alexei   g ESP 2685  0 0 * 0 1 = 1 = 1 1 = 1  6.5  2710
 4 Van Wely, Loek   g NED 2605  = 0 1 * = 1 = 0 1 = = =  6.0  2688
 5 Leko, Peter      g HUN 2630  = = 0 = * 0 = = = 1 1 1  6.0  2686
 6 Karpov, Anatoly  g RUS 2775  = = = 0 1 * = = 0 = 1 =  5.5  2636
 7 Adams, Michael   g ENG 2685  0 = 0 = = = * 1 = = = 1  5.5  2645
 8 Sutovskij, Emil  m ISR 2565  0 = = 1 = = 0 * = = 0 1  5.0  2619
 9 Almasi, Zoltan   g HUN 2655  = = 0 0 = 1 = = * = = 0  4.5  2582
10 Svidler, Peter   g RUS 2650  = = 0 = 0 = = = = * = =  4.5  2583
11 Lautier, Joel    g FRA 2620  = 0 = = 0 0 = 1 = = * =  4.5  2585
12 Polgar, Judit    g HUN 2665  = = 0 = 0 = 0 0 1 = = *  4.0  2544

3)  International Tournament in Jakarta Indonesia

Lajos Portisch after a tremendous first week in Jakarta eased back to
draw his way to  a comfortable victory in the Gunadarma 1996 tournament.
Second equal were Ftacnik, Torre and Krasenkow. The tournament was not
so successful for players such as Ivan Sokolov and Mikhail Gurevich both
of  whom lost rating points, but it was an unmitigated disaster for  GM
Joerg Hickl who came last. My thanks to Adrian and Chiacs for sending
the results and games from this event.

Time rate was 40 moves in 2 hours, then 20 moves in 1 hour followed by
all remaining moves in 30 minutes.

PRIZE FUND (USD15,000)  1st : USD5,000; 2nd : USD3,000;  3rd : USD2,000;
4th-5th : USD1,000 each; 6th-7th : USD750 each;  8th-10th : USD500 each.

GM Norm : 5.5 points

The President of the Indonesian Chess Federation, Ir. Akbar Tandjung,
officially declared the International Grandmaster Chess Tournament open
on October 15, 1996 by hitting the gong, after officially closed the XIV
World Microcomputer Chess Championship which had been held from October
7-15, 1996 at the same site, Campus Kenari University of GUNADARMA
Jakarta. Attending the ceremony were a.o. the Rector of GUNADARMA Prof.
Margianti and her husband Prof. Suryadi Harmanto, Ssi, MM., the
President of the International Computer Chess Association (ICCA) Prof.
Tony Marsland, Ph.D, P.Eng, The Tournament Director Prof. Jaap van den
Herik and his wife, the Vice President of the Indonesian Chess
Federation, Army Major General Cholid Ghozali, and many others.

Vladislav Tkachiev played two game matches against A Suhendra and E
Hendoko winning all games rather easily. He played some exhibition speed
games and eventually lost on time against Handoko only in the
penultimate 25 minute game.

Round 1 (1996.10.15)

Portisch, Lajos   - Hickl, Joerg       1-0   28  A41  Queen's pawn
Ftacnik, Lubomir  - Krasenkow, Michal  1/2   24  D85  Gruenfeld indian
Gurevich, Mikhail - Torre, Eugenio     0-1   38  E33  Nimzo indian
Sokolov, Ivan     - Adianto, Utut      1/2   47  E21  Nimzo indian
Liu, Dede         - Gunawan, Ruben     1/2   86  B43  Sicilian

Round 2 (1996.10.16)

Torre, Eugenio    - Sokolov, Ivan      1-0   53  D11  Slav defence
Krasenkow, Michal - Adianto, Utut      1/2   46  D25  QGA;
Ftacnik, Lubomir  - Liu, Dede          1/2   52  D45  Semi-Slav
Gunawan, Ruben    - Portisch, Lajos    0-1   41  D52  QGD; Cambridge Springs
Hickl, Joerg      - Gurevich, Mikhail  0-1   60  A07  Reti (1.Nf3)

Round 3 (1996.10.17)

Portisch, Lajos   - Ftacnik, Lubomir   1/2   60  D82  Gruenfeld indian
Adianto, Utut     - Torre, Eugenio     1/2   22  E12  Nimzo indian
Gurevich, Mikhail - Gunawan, Ruben     1/2   47  E11  Bogo indian
Sokolov, Ivan     - Hickl, Joerg       1-0   35  A21  English; 1.c4 e5
Liu, Dede         - Krasenkow, Michal  1/2   34  B06  Modern defence

Round 4 (1996.10.18)

Krasenkow, Michal - Torre, Eugenio     1/2   24  E12  Nimzo indian
Ftacnik, Lubomir  - Gurevich, Mikhail  1/2   51  A81  Dutch defence
Liu, Dede         - Portisch, Lajos    0-1    1  D00  Queen's pawn
Gunawan, Ruben    - Sokolov, Ivan      0-1   32  E12  Nimzo indian
Hickl, Joerg      - Adianto, Utut      1-0   32  A20  English; 1.c4 e5

Round 5 (1996.10.20)

Portisch, Lajos   - Krasenkow, Michal  1-0   58  A41  Queen's pawn
Adianto, Utut     - Gunawan, Ruben     1-0   28  A65  Modern Benoni
Torre, Eugenio    - Hickl, Joerg       1/2   62  B07  Pirc
Gurevich, Mikhail - Liu, Dede          1/2   29  E45  Nimzo indian
Sokolov, Ivan     - Ftacnik, Lubomir   1/2   44  D87  Gruenfeld indian

Round 6 (1996.10.21)

Portisch, Lajos   - Gurevich, Mikhail  1/2   57  D12  Slav defence
Krasenkow, Michal - Hickl, Joerg       1-0   24  A55  Benoni
Ftacnik, Lubomir  - Adianto, Utut      0-1   39  A07  Reti (1.Nf3)
Liu, Dede         - Sokolov, Ivan      1/2   64  C80  Ruy Lopez
Gunawan, Ruben    - Torre, Eugenio     1/2   51  B30  Sicilian

Round 7 (1996.10.22)

Adianto, Utut     - Liu, Dede          1-0   47  E25  Nimzo indian
Torre, Eugenio    - Ftacnik, Lubomir   0-1   50  B07  Pirc
Gurevich, Mikhail - Krasenkow, Michal  1/2   70  D99  Gruenfeld indian
Sokolov, Ivan     - Portisch, Lajos    1/2   33  D37  Queen's gambit
Hickl, Joerg      - Gunawan, Ruben     0-1   40  C60  Ruy Lopez

Round 8 (1996.10.23)

Portisch, Lajos   - Adianto, Utut      1/2   10  D26  QGA;
Krasenkow, Michal - Gunawan, Ruben     1-0   32  E11  Bogo indian
Ftacnik, Lubomir  - Hickl, Joerg       1/2   46  A21  English; 1.c4 e5
Gurevich, Mikhail - Sokolov, Ivan      1/2   16  E16  Nimzo indian
Liu, Dede         - Torre, Eugenio     0-1   58  B42  Sicilian

Round 9 (1996.10.25)

Adianto, Utut     - Gurevich, Mikhail  1/2   34  E11  Bogo indian
Torre, Eugenio    - Portisch, Lajos    1/2   30  C02  French; Advance
Sokolov, Ivan     - Krasenkow, Michal  0-1   24  D82  Gruenfeld indian
Gunawan, Ruben    - Ftacnik, Lubomir   1/2   21  A30  English; 1.c4 c5
Hickl, Joerg      - Liu, Dede          0-1   46  A07  Reti (1.Nf3)

Jakarta INA (INA), X 1996.                      cat. XIII (2566)
                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Portisch, Lajos    g HUN 2600  * = = 1 = = = 1 1 1  6.5  2728
 2 Adianto, Utut      g INA 2605  = * = = 1 = = 1 1 0  5.5  2641
 3 Torre, Eugenio     g PHI 2535  = = * = 0 1 1 1 = =  5.5  2649
 4 Krasenkow, Michal  g POL 2605  0 = = * = = 1 = 1 1  5.5  2641
 5 Ftacnik, Lubomir   g SVK 2610  = 0 1 = * = = = = =  4.5  2561
 6 Gurevich, Mikhail  g BEL 2605  = = 0 = = * = = = 1  4.5  2561
 7 Sokolov, Ivan      g BIH 2670  = = 0 0 = = * = 1 1  4.5  2554
 8 Liu, Dede          m INA 2405  0 0 0 = = = = * = 1  3.5  2503
 9 Gunawan, Ruben     f INA 2425  0 0 = 0 = = 0 = * 1  3.0  2456
10 Hickl, Joerg       g GER 2600  0 1 = 0 = 0 0 0 0 *  2.0  2342

4) Russian Chess Championships Elista

The Russian Chess Championships are underway in Elista Russia. The event
is a nine round event running  from October 15th-27th. It is still the
strongest Championships in the World with the 52 players  having an
average rating of 2530. Kirsan Iljumzhinov has arranged for a prize fund
of $100,000 and a car.

Such is the nature of the event that the early rounds saw a number of
big surprises. Sveshnikov is always a dangerous player and there was a
superb game between him and Bareev in round 2. Alexei Dreev also lost
in one of the early rounds but by round 7 had worked himself into the lead.

Full coverage of the finish of the Championships next week.

As well as my own site the following sites all provide coverage of the event. Chess Assistant           Chess in Iceland                     Chess Planet

Standings after 7/11 rounds.

Elista RUS (RUS), X 1996.
                                         1   2   3   4   5   6   7
 1 Dreev, Alexey            g RUS 2645  =27 -44 +24 +40 +32 +16 + 9  5.5  2767
 2 Fominyh, Alexander       g RUS 2535  +52 +31 =16 =35 +30 - 9 +11  5.0  2688
 3 Khalifman, Alexander     g RUS 2640  +15 =17 =13 =33 +45 =11 +16  5.0  2694
 4 Sorokin, Maxim           g RUS 2550  =47 +19 = 9 =45 + 6 +21 = 5  5.0  2690
 5 Sveshnikov, Evgeny       g RUS 2535  + 6 =32 = 8 = 9 +35 +31 = 4  5.0  2748
 6 Bareev, Evgeny           g RUS 2655  - 5 =49 +48 +22 - 4 +34 +26  4.5  2607
 7 Korneev, Oleg            g RUS 2565  -29 =46 =19 +49 =14 +42 +30  4.5  2560
 8 Pigusov, Evgeny          g RUS 2570  =18 +40 = 5 =15 =13 =20 +27  4.5  2619
 9 Rublevsky, Sergei        g RUS 2645  =22 +29 = 4 = 5 +42 + 2 - 1  4.5  2642
10 Dvoirys, Semen I         g RUS 2570  =37 =50 -33 +24 +44 =13 =20  4.0  2551
11 Filippov, Valerij        m RUS 2565  =20 =24 =37 +38 +33 = 3 - 2  4.0  2550
12 Goldin, Alexander        g RUS 2570  -14 +23 =34 =29 +37 =30 =17  4.0  2558
13 Ibragimov, Ildar         g RUS 2545  =49 +47 = 3 =31 = 8 =10 =21  4.0  2566
14 Lastin, Alexander        m RUS 2495  +12 -16 =36 =25 = 7 =32 +35  4.0  2627
15 Rashkovsky, Nukhim N     g RUS 2530  - 3 +51 +49 = 8 =31 =26 =28  4.0  2562
16 Shchekachev, Andrei      g RUS 2560  +46 +14 = 2 +32 =21 - 1 - 3  4.0  2603
17 Ulibin, Mikhail          g RUS 2550  +51 = 3 -21 -20 +40 +45 =12  4.0  2565
18 Volzhin, Alexander       m RUS 2485  = 8 -35 =41 -51 +47 +50 +36  4.0  2552
19 Yemelin, Vasily          g RUS 2460  =35 - 4 = 7 =50 +43 =36 +41  4.0  2615
20 Zakharevich, Igor        m RUS 2485  =11 =26 =22 +17 =25 = 8 =10  4.0  2614
21 Zvjaginsev, Vadim        g RUS 2590  =42 +48 +17 =30 =16 - 4 =13  4.0  2592
22 Balashov, Yuri S         g RUS 2530  = 9 =36 =20 - 6 =46 +51 =33  3.5  2520
23 Beshukov, Sergei         g RUS 2460  -32 -12 +46 -41 =49 +43 +44  3.5  2502
24 Galkin, Alexander        m RUS 2425  =26 =11 - 1 -10 =39 +48 +42  3.5  2570
25 Kharlov, Andrei          g RUS 2605  =48 =34 =29 =14 =20 -27 +45  3.5  2504
26 Makarov, Marat           g RUS 2560  =24 =20 =38 =37 +51 =15 - 6  3.5  2474
27 Rustemov, Alexander      m RUS 2535  = 1 +39 -32 =34 =28 +25 - 8  3.5  2590
28 Sakaev, Konstantin       g RUS 2600  =50 =37 =45 =44 =27 =33 =15  3.5  2516
29 Shariyazdanov, Andrey      RUS 2470  + 7 - 9 =25 =12 =36 =35 =32  3.5  2590
30 Sherbakov, Ruslan        g RUS 2555  +38 =45 +44 =21 - 2 =12 - 7  3.5  2526
31 Sokolov, Andrei          g RUS 2585  +33 - 2 +50 =13 =15 - 5 =34  3.5  2529
32 Solozhenkin, Evgeniy     g RUS 2565  +23 = 5 +27 -16 - 1 =14 =29  3.5  2528
33 Vorotnikov, Vladislav V  m RUS 2510  -31 +52 +10 = 3 -11 =28 =22  3.5  2532
34 Yakovich, Yuri           g RUS 2530  =36 =25 =12 =27 +41 - 6 =31  3.5  2592
35 Aseev, Konstantin N      g RUS 2560  =19 +18 =42 = 2 - 5 =29 -14  3.0  2449
36 Epishin, Vladimir        g RUS 2620  =34 =22 =14 =42 =29 =19 -18  3.0  2447
37 Lugovoi, Aleksei         m RUS 2500  =10 =28 =11 =26 -12 =41 =39  3.0  2529
38 Shabanov, Yuri           m RUS 2405  -30 +43 =26 -11 =50 =44 =40  3.0  2492
39 Tiviakov, Sergei         g RUS 2615  =44 -27 -40 =47 =24 +46 =37  3.0  2413
40 Vasiukov, Evgeni         g RUS 2505  =41 - 8 +39 - 1 -17 +49 =38  3.0  2474
41 Dolmatov, Sergey         g RUS 2575  =40 -42 =18 +23 -34 =37 -19  2.5  2391
42 Dyachkov, Sergej         m RUS 2515  =21 +41 =35 =36 - 9 - 7 -24  2.5  2466
43 Landa, Konstantin        g RUS 2570  -45 -38 =52 +48 -19 -23 +50  2.5  2340
44 Loginov, Valery A        g RUS 2525  =39 + 1 -30 =28 -10 =38 -23  2.5  2448
45 Namgilov, Sogto          f RUS 2495  +43 =30 =28 = 4 - 3 -17 -25  2.5  2479
46 Nevostrujev, Vladimir    m RUS 2405  -16 = 7 -23 +52 =22 -39 =47  2.5  2372
47 Skvortsov, A               RUS 2350  = 4 -13 -51 =39 -18 +52 =46  2.5  2349
48 Varavin, Viktor          g RUS 2520  =25 -21 - 6 -43 +52 -24 +51  2.5  2384
49 Vokarev, S                 RUS 2310  =13 = 6 -15 - 7 =23 -40 +52  2.5  2398
50 Notkin, Maksim           m RUS 2520  =28 =10 -31 =19 =38 -18 -43  2.0  2367
51 Shovunov, Baatr            RUS 2320  -17 -15 +47 +18 -26 -22 -48  2.0  2345
52 Tsebekov, H                RUS 2240  - 2 -33 =43 -46 -48 -47 -49  0.5  2035

5) XII World Youth Chess Festival

Menorca in the Balearic Islands is the venue of the World Youth Chess
Festival between 20th October and the 3rd November 1996. This FIDE event
is endorsed by the United Nations and is an annual event. The
competition has under 10,12,14,16 and 18 sections for both boys and
girls. It will produce 10  Champions altogether. The events are 11 round
Swiss events.

Standings after 5 rounds:


  1. KURSOVA Maria            RUSSIA                  5.0          15.0
  2. VEGA Sabrina             ESPANA                  4.5          12.5
  3. CHISTJAKOVA Tamara       RUSSIA                  4.0          14.0
  4. KOSINTSEVA Tatjana       RUSSIA                  4.0          13.0
  5. NGUYEN Thi Hanh          VIETNAM                 4.0          13.0
  6. ZHANG Jilin              CHINA                   4.0          13.0
  7. MAMEDOVA Zarkhanum       AZERBAIJAN              4.0          12.0
  8. TUITEBAEVA Dinara        KAZAKHSTAN              3.5          12.5
  9. ZDEBSKAYA Natalia        UKRAINE                 3.5          11.5
 10. WOREK Joanna             POLAND                  3.5          11.5
 11. APRESIAN Lusine          ARMENIA                 3.5          10.5
 12. ADONDAKI Kristina        GRECIA                  3.5          10.5
 13. BRESLAVSKAYA Galina      UKRAINE                 3.5          10.0
 14. ROGULE Agnija            LATVIA                  3.5          10.0
 15. HOLUSOVA Tana            CZECH REPUBLIC          3.5           9.5
 57 players


  1. HERA Imre Jr.            HUNGRIA                 5.0          15.0
  2. ERWICH Marc              HOLANDA                 4.5          14.0
  3. GUSSEINOV Gadir       MF RUSSIA                  4.0          14.0
  4. YAKIMOV V.               RUSSIA                  4.0          12.5
  5. GASHIMOV Vougar          AZERBAIJAN              4.0          12.0
  6. CATALINO SADORRA Jul     FILIPINAS               4.0          11.5
  7. DONG Viet Thang          VIETNAM                 4.0          11.0
  8. HARIKRISNA P.            INDIA                   4.0          11.0
  9. ALAVI Sayed Javad        IRAN                    4.0          11.0
 10. GRACHEV Boris            RUSSIA                  3.5          13.0
 11. ILLARIONAV Dmitrij       LATVIA                  3.5          12.5
 12. FILIPPOV Anton           UZBEKISTAN              3.5          11.5
 13. WOJTASZEK Radoslaw       POLAND                  3.5          11.5
 14. AMMAD ALMEDAIHKI Ali     QATAR                   3.5           9.5
 15. BRKIC Ante               CROACIA                 3.5           9.5
 16. VAZNONIS Vytautas        LITUANIA                3.5           9.0
 17. BOURMISTROV Denis        AUSTRALIA               3.5           8.5
 18. CHAPARINOV Ivan          BULGARIA                3.5           8.0
72. players

  1. KOSTENIUK Alexandra  MFF RUSSIA                  5.0          15.0
  2. DANG BICH Ngoc           VIETNAM                 4.5          13.5
  3. JAVAKHISHVILI Lela       GEORGIA                 4.0          14.0
  4. GARA Ticia               HUNGRIA                 4.0          14.0
  5. BERZINA Ilze             LATVIA                  4.0          13.0
  6. PAHTZ Elisabeth          ALEMANIA                4.0          12.5
  7. ZHAO Xue                 CHINA                   4.0          12.0
  8. KOSINTSEVA Nadezhda      RUSSIA                  4.0          11.0
  9. SREBRNIC Ana             ESLOVENIA               4.0          10.0
 10. SKROCHOCKA Justyna       POLAND                  3.5          12.0
 11. MOTOC Alina              RUMANIA                 3.5          11.0
 12. FARHAT Barbara           BRASIL                  3.5          10.5
 13. KISS Emse                HUNGRIA                 3.5           9.0
62. players


  1. MITON Kamil              POLAND                  4.5          14.5
  2. PERUNOVIC Milos          YUGOSLAVIA              4.5          14.5
  3. BHAT Vinay S.            ESTADOS UNIDOS          4.5          12.5
  4. PARAGUA Mark             FILIPINAS               4.0          13.0
  5. PLANTET Sebastien        FRANCIA                 4.0          13.0
  6. JIANU Vlad            MF RUMANIA                 4.0          12.5
  7. NAIDITCH Arkadij         LATVIA                  4.0          11.5
  8. YASTREBOV Alexander      RUSSIA                  4.0          11.0
  9. LE TIEN Dung             VIETNAM                 4.0          11.0
 10. VENKATESH M.R.           INDIA                   4.0          11.0
 11. ALCAZAR JIMENEZ Jesu     ESPANA                  3.5          12.0
 12. DROZDOVSKYI Yuri         UKRAINE                 3.5          12.0
 13. TNARKIEV Ernesto         KYRGYZSTAN              3.5          12.0
 14. WEGERLE Jorg             ALEMANIA                3.5          12.0
 15. HADDAD ASHANI Mohamm     IRAN                    3.5          11.5
 16. BELOV Vladimir           RUSSIA                  3.5          11.0
 17. LUPULESCO Constantin     RUMANIA                 3.5          10.5
 18. TIMOSIN Juri             ESTONIA                 3.5          10.5
 19. ZIVANIC Marko            YUGOSLAVIA              3.5           9.0
 20. GLINERT Stephen          CANADA                  3.5           8.5
 21. MIELES Daniel            ECUADOR                 3.5           8.5
90. players


  1. POKORNA Regina       MFF ESLOVAQUIA              4.5          14.5
  2. POLOVNIKOVA Ekaterin     RUSSIA                  4.5          14.5
  3. WANG Yu                  CHINA                   4.5          13.0
  4. OVOD Evgenia             RUSSIA                  4.0          13.0
  5. SAMBORSKA Marta          POLAND                  4.0          13.0
  6. MOSHIN Cristina          MOLDAVIA                4.0          12.0
  7. GVETADZE Sofia           GEORGIA                 4.0          11.0
  8. KRUSH Irina              ESTADOS UNIDOS          4.0          11.0
  9. MKRTCHAN Lilit           ARMENIA                 3.5          11.5
 10. JACKOVA Jana             CZECH REPUBLIC          3.5          11.5
 11. CHARKHALASHVILI Inga     GEORGIA                 3.5          10.5
 12. MATNADZE Ana             GEORGIA                 3.5          10.0
 13. DRAICA Iulia             RUMANIA                 3.5          10.0
 14. CHU Stefanie             CANADA                  3.5           9.0
67 players.


  1. BUNZMANN Dimitrij        ALEMANIA                4.5          14.5
  2. BACROT Etienne           FRANCIA                 4.5          14.5
  3. ARONIAN Levon         MF ARMENIA                 4.5          13.5
  4. VALLEJO PONS Franc§   MF ESPANA                  4.5          13.0
  5. KHAMRAKULOV Ibrokhim     UZBEKISTAN              4.0          13.0
  6. BATSANIN Dmitry          RUSSIA                  4.0          13.0
  7. SHINKEVICH Vitaly        RUSSIA                  4.0          13.0
  8. GANGULY Surya Sekhar     INDIA                   4.0          12.0
  9. NI Hua                   CHINA                   4.0          11.5
 10. DOMINGUEZ PEREZ Leni     CUBA                    3.5          12.0
 11. SIEGEL Noah              EE.UU.                  3.5          12.0
 12. SARGISSIAN Gabriel       ARMENIA                 3.5          12.0
 13. HO Andrew                CANADA                  3.5          11.5
 14. KOBYLKIN Eugeni       MF UKRAINE                 3.5          11.0
 15. RAINFRAY Arnaud          FRANCIA                 3.5          11.0
 16. LURIE Michael            ISRAEL                  3.5          10.5
 17. DE PENDER Paul           HOLANDA                 3.5          10.5
 18. GAPRINDASHVILI Valer  MF GEORGIA                 3.5          10.0
 19. FILIPOVIC Marko          CROACIA                 3.5           9.5
 20. AZAROV Sergei            BELARUS                 3.5           9.5
 21. GUSEINOV Elmir           AZERBAIJAN              3.5           9.0
 22. GUREVITCH Artem          LATVIA                  3.5           8.0
70 players

There is a www site with the results, games and other information:

6) Owens-Corning Tournament Wrexham Wales.

Victory for British Champion Chris Ward in Wrexham.

International Master Chris Ward scored an excellent result in Wrexham
edging out local GM Nigel Davies and Istvan Csom.

The Owens-Corning event was the idea of three members of the Wrexham
Chess Club Grandmaster Nigel Davies, the club president Mike Hughes and
the treasurer Brian Davies. Indeed it was the Welsh GM Nigel Davies receipt
of the title that acted as a catalyst for an event which is in its third

Its very much a Wrexham Chess Club event with John Canham providing the
games in ChessBase format and the bulletin (my thanks to him and to the
great help I received from Derek Jones with updates via E-Mail) other
members of the chess club ferried the players round in their cars and
generally made the event a success.

Further Contact over the event can be had from

Elizabeth Grass (Owens Corning): 01978-665377
Jeannette Cox (Wrexham County Borough Council): 01978-292277
Mike Hughes (Wrexham Chess Club): 01978-854676

Round 1 (1996.10.15)

Ward, Christopher       - Murugan, Krishnamoorthy  1/2   44  D36  Queen's gambit
Davies, Nigel R         - Csom, Istvan             1/2   18  A13  English; 1.c4
Dunnington, Angus J     - Martinovsky, Eugene      1/2   50  D46  Semi-Slav
Karlsson, Lars          - Hartman, Christer        1-0   41  D11  Slav defence
Sahu, Sekhar Chandra    - Martin, Andrew D         1/2   92  B00  1.e4

Round 2 (1996.10.16)

Csom, Istvan            - Sahu, Sekhar Chandra     1-0   62  A20  English; 1.c4 e5
Martin, Andrew D        - Ward, Christopher        1/2   17  A47  Queen's pawn
Murugan, Krishnamoorthy - Dunnington, Angus J      1/2   16  E11  Bogo indian
Karlsson, Lars          - Davies, Nigel R          1-0   37  A04  Reti (1.Nf3)
Hartman, Christer       - Martinovsky, Eugene      1-0   39  C78  Ruy Lopez

Round 3 (1996.10.17)

Ward, Christopher       - Csom, Istvan             1-0   34  A32  English; 1.c4 c5
Davies, Nigel R         - Hartman, Christer        1-0   36  A20  English; 1.c4 e5
Dunnington, Angus J     - Martin, Andrew D         1/2   13  A45  Queen's pawn
Martinovsky, Eugene     - Murugan, Krishnamoorthy  1/2   27  E06  Nimzo indian
Sahu, Sekhar Chandra    - Karlsson, Lars           1-0   66  B38  Sicilian

Round 4 (1996.10.18)

Davies, Nigel R         - Sahu, Sekhar Chandra     1-0   36  E90  Kings indian; Classical
Csom, Istvan            - Dunnington, Angus J      1/2   43  A06  Reti (1.Nf3)
Martin, Andrew D        - Martinovsky, Eugene      1-0   58  A01  Larsen (1.b3)
Karlsson, Lars          - Ward, Christopher        0-1   44  A37  English; 1.c4 c5
Hartman, Christer       - Murugan, Krishnamoorthy  1/2   43  B66  Sicilian

Round 5 (1996.10.20)

Ward, Christopher       - Davies, Nigel R          1/2   10  B07  Pirc
Dunnington, Angus J     - Karlsson, Lars           1/2    8  A04  Reti (1.Nf3)
Murugan, Krishnamoorthy - Martin, Andrew D         1/2   25  B00  1.e4
Martinovsky, Eugene     - Csom, Istvan             0-1   88  A32  English; 1.c4 c5
Sahu, Sekhar Chandra    - Hartman, Christer        1-0   47  D29  QGA;

Round 6 (1996.10.21)

Davies, Nigel R         - Dunnington, Angus J      1-0   23  D30  Queen's gambit
Csom, Istvan            - Murugan, Krishnamoorthy  1/2   40  A14  English; 1.c4
Karlsson, Lars          - Martinovsky, Eugene      1/2   50  D00  Queen's pawn
Sahu, Sekhar Chandra    - Ward, Christopher        0-1   56  B53  Sicilian
Hartman, Christer       - Martin, Andrew D         1/2   40  B06  Modern defence

Round 7 (1996.10.22)

Ward, Christopher       - Hartman, Christer        1-0   47  D20  QGA;
Martin, Andrew D        - Csom, Istvan             1/2   36  A46  Queen's pawn
Dunnington, Angus J     - Sahu, Sekhar Chandra     1-0   52  D00  Queen's pawn
Murugan, Krishnamoorthy - Karlsson, Lars           1/2   61  A94  Dutch defence
Martinovsky, Eugene     - Davies, Nigel R          0-1   26  A40  Queen's pawn

Round 8 (1996.10.23)

Ward, Christopher       - Dunnington, Angus J      1/2   16  E20  Nimzo indian
Davies, Nigel R         - Murugan, Krishnamoorthy  1/2   10  E04  Nimzo indian
Karlsson, Lars          - Martin, Andrew D         0-1   41  A02  Bird (1.f4)
Sahu, Sekhar Chandra    - Martinovsky, Eugene      0-1   47  C77  Ruy Lopez
Hartman, Christer       - Csom, Istvan             0-1   44  B41  Sicilian

Round 9 (1996.10.25)

Csom, Istvan            - Karlsson, Lars           1/2   29  A10  English; 1.c4
Martin, Andrew D        - Davies, Nigel R          1/2   10  A07  Reti (1.Nf3)
Dunnington, Angus J     - Hartman, Christer        1-0   31  D00  Queen's pawn
Murugan, Krishnamoorthy - Sahu, Sekhar Chandra     1/2   16  A05  Reti (1.Nf3)
Martinovsky, Eugene     - Ward, Christopher        1/2   19  A35  English; 1.c4 c5

Wrexham      (WAL), X 1996.                             cat. VII (2417)
                                        1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
 1 Ward, Christopher        m ENG 2460  * = 1 = = = 1 = 1 1  6.5  2577
 2 Davies, Nigel R          g ENG 2500  = * = = 1 = 0 1 1 1  6.0  2532
 3 Csom, Istvan             g HUN 2460  0 = * = = = = 1 1 1  5.5  2491
 4 Martin, Andrew D         m ENG 2425  = = = * = = 1 1 = =  5.5  2495
 5 Dunnington, Angus J      m ENG 2450  = 0 = = * = = = 1 1  5.0  2455
 6 Murugan, Krishnamoorthy  m IND 2430  = = = = = * = = = =  4.5  2415
 7 Karlsson, Lars           g SWE 2470  0 1 = 0 = = * = 0 1  4.0  2367
 8 Martinovsky, Eugene      f USA 2260  = 0 0 0 = = = * 1 0  3.0  2308
 9 Sahu, Sekhar Chandra     m IND 2340  0 0 0 = 0 = 1 0 * 1  3.0  2300
10 Hartman, Christer        m SWE 2370  0 0 0 = 0 = 0 1 0 *  2.0  2201

7) Loures International Tournament.

Kevin Spraggett scored a comfortable victory in the Loures International Tournament
in Portugal. Sergio Rocha scored an IM norm in this Category 2 event.

Luis Santos (IM and GM ICCF) sends news of a Category 2 tournament in
Loures Portugal which is being covered on the internet:

The link is

Round 5 (1996.10.21)

Fernandes, Antonio  - Ferreira, Nelson     1-0   46  B07  Pirc
Santos, Carlos P    - Rocha, Sergio        1/2   51  B06  Modern defence
Gaspar, Artur       - Permuy, Carlos       0-1   39  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Quadrio, Alexandre  - Pinho, Paulo         1-0   27  B81  Sicilian
De Sousa, Jose      - Spraggett, Kevin     0-1   59  A55  Benoni
Costa, Fernando J.M - Lima, Paulo          0-1   32  B01  Scandinavian

Round 6 (1996.10.22)

Spraggett, Kevin    - Gaspar, Artur        1-0   28  B80  Sicilian
Rocha, Sergio       - Pinho, Paulo         1-0   41  B50  Sicilian
Santos, Carlos P    - Fernandes, Antonio   0-1   25  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Permuy, Carlos      - Quadrio, Alexandre   1-0   37  C50  Giuoco piano
Lima, Paulo         - De Sousa, Jose       0-1   52  B32  Sicilian
Ferreira, Nelson    - Costa, Fernando J.M  1-0   53  D93  Gruenfeld indian

Round 7 (1996.10.23)

Fernandes, Antonio  - Rocha, Sergio        1-0   46  B06  Modern defence
Gaspar, Artur       - Lima, Paulo          1-0   34  D34  Queen's gambit
Quadrio, Alexandre  - Spraggett, Kevin     0-1   40  B12  Caro-Kann
Pinho, Paulo        - Permuy, Carlos       0-1   82  A81  Dutch defence
De Sousa, Jose      - Ferreira, Nelson     1-0   33  B09  Pirc; Austrian
Costa, Fernando J.M - Santos, Carlos P     0-1   35  A10  English; 1.c4

Round 8 (1996.10.24)

Spraggett, Kevin    - Pinho, Paulo         1-0   38  A08  Reti (1.Nf3)
Fernandes, Antonio  - Costa, Fernando J.M  1-0   27  A45  Queen's pawn
Rocha, Sergio       - Permuy, Carlos       1-0   61  B31  Sicilian
Santos, Carlos P    - De Sousa, Jose       1-0   68  B58  Sicilian
Lima, Paulo         - Quadrio, Alexandre   1-0   47  C41  Philidor defence
Ferreira, Nelson    - Gaspar, Artur        0-1   42  D00  Queen's pawn

Round 9 (1996.10.25)

Gaspar, Artur       - Santos, Carlos P     1-0   33  A21  English; 1.c4 e5
Permuy, Carlos      - Spraggett, Kevin     1/2   66  A02  Bird (1.f4)
Quadrio, Alexandre  - Ferreira, Nelson     1-0   43  B12  Caro-Kann
Pinho, Paulo        - Lima, Paulo          1-0   25  E06  Nimzo indian
De Sousa, Jose      - Fernandes, Antonio   0-1   70  D26  QGA;
Costa, Fernando J.M - Rocha, Sergio        0-1   37  B21  Sicilian; English attack

Round 10 (1996.10.26)

Fernandes, Antonio  - Gaspar, Artur        0-1   53  D02  Queen's pawn
Rocha, Sergio       - Spraggett, Kevin     1/2   10  B19  Caro-Kann
Santos, Carlos P    - Quadrio, Alexandre   1-0   24  A05  Reti (1.Nf3)
Lima, Paulo         - Permuy, Carlos       1/2   46  B34  Sicilian
Costa, Fernando J.M - De Sousa, Jose       1-0   42  B22  Sicilian; Alapin (2.c3)
Ferreira, Nelson    - Pinho, Paulo         0-1   53  D91  Gruenfeld indian

Round 11 (1996.10.27)

Spraggett, Kevin    - Lima, Paulo          1-0   27  A07  Reti (1.Nf3)
Gaspar, Artur       - Costa, Fernando J.M  1-0   20  B47  Sicilian
Permuy, Carlos      - Ferreira, Nelson     1-0   48  B03  Alekhine defence
Quadrio, Alexandre  - Fernandes, Antonio   1-0    1  B00  1.e4
Pinho, Paulo        - Santos, Carlos P     0-1   45  E99  Kings indian; Main line
De Sousa, Jose      - Rocha, Sergio        0-1   27  E81  Kings indian; Saemisch

Loures POR (POR), X 1996.                               cat. II (2276)
                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
 1 Spraggett, Kevin     g CAN 2530  * = = 1 1 = 1 1 1 1 1 1  9.5  2562
 2 Fernandes, Antonio   m POR 2410  = * 1 1 0 1 0 = 1 1 1 1  8.0  2439
 3 Rocha, Sergio        f POR 2400  = 0 * = 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1  8.0  2440
 4 Santos, Carlos P     f POR 2340  0 0 = * 0 = 1 1 1 1 1 1  7.0  2372
 5 Gaspar, Artur          POR 2180  0 1 0 1 * 0 = = 1 = 1 1  6.5  2350
 6 Permuy, Carlos         ESP 2315  = 0 0 = 1 * 1 1 = = 0 1  6.0  2308
 7 Quadrio, Alexandre     POR 2230  0 1 0 0 = 0 * 1 0 = 1 1  5.0  2244
 8 Pinho, Paulo           POR 2135  0 = 0 0 = 0 0 * 1 1 1 1  5.0  2253
 9 Lima, Paulo            POR 2115  0 0 1 0 0 = 1 0 * 0 1 0  3.5  2157
10 De Sousa, Jose         FRA 2285  0 0 0 0 = = = 0 1 * 0 1  3.5  2142
11 Costa, Fernando J.M    POR 2175  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 * 0  2.0  2023
12 Ferreira, Nelson     m ANG 2200  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 *  2.0  2021

8) The European Individual Rapid Chess Championship

The  annual Cap D'Agde tournament (26-10 / 03-11) is underway with many
of the players who played in Tilburg competing. The event is being covered
on the internet by Chess Planet.

9) Peter Heine Nielsen is the new Danish Chess Champion

Per Rasmussen of under-Uret [] reports that
the new Danish Champion is Peter Heine Nielsen. This was after a playoff
against IGM Henrik Danielsen brought about when they finished first equal
in the main Danish Championship tournament earlier in the year.

They tied a subsequent 4 game match at normal time-rates but in a rapidplay
event of 30 minutes per side Peter Heine Nielsen came out the winner by
1.5-0.5 and thus became the new Danish Champion.

10) 1996 World Micro-Computer Chess Championships. Jakarta Indonesia.

The World Micro-Computer Chess Championships were won by SHREDDER a program produced
by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen from Germany. A number of programmers did not enter because
they objected to the choice of Indonesia as a venue due to the situation in East

No.  PNo.  Name                          R1    R2    R3    R4    R5    R6    R7    R8    R9    R10   R11      Score
  1.    9  SHREDDER                      3b=   8w1  13w1  16b1   4b1   5w1   6w1   2b0  10b=   7w1   1b1   -1   9.0
  2.    2  FERRET                        8b=   3w1  15b=  19w1  10b1   4w=   1b1   9w1   6b=   5w=  16b1   -1   8.5
  3.    3  NIMZO-3                       9w=   2b0   8b=  12w1  19b=  24w1   5b1  10w0  11b1   6w1   4b1   -1   7.5
  4.    6  CRAFTY                       10b0   1w1  12b1  15w1  25b1  13w1   9b0   4w1   2w=   3b0   5b=   -1   7.0
       10  GUNDA-1                       6w1   7b1   4w0  26b1   2w0  16b=  19w1   3b1   9w=   1b0  23w1    1   7.0
  6.    4  VIRTUAL CHESS-2              12b1   5w1  10b1  25b1   9w0   2b=   7w1   6b0   1w=  16b=   3w0   -1   6.5
        5  DARK THOUGHT                 11w1   4b0   7w1  20b1  16w1   9b0   3w0  13b=  24w1   2b=   6w=    1   6.5
        1  FRITZ                         7w0   6b0  11w1  27b1  24w1  15b1   2w0  16b1   4b=  10w1   9w0    1   6.5
  9.   16  ZEUS 3.1                     23b1  17w1  19b1   9w0   5b0  10w=  25b1   1w0  15b1   4w=   2w0    1   6.0
        7  GANDALF-X                     1b1  10w0   5b0   8w1  23b1  25w1   4b0  15w0  13w1   9b0  17b1   -1   6.0
       15  COMET                        22w1  13b=   2w=   6b0  26w1   1w0  12b1   7b1  16w0  23b0  19w1    1   6.0
       13  EUGEN-7                        r1  15w=   9b0  23w=  20b1   6b0  26w1   5w=   7b0  24b1  11w=    0   6.0
       23  FRANCESCA                    16w0  22b1  24w=  13b=   7w0  12w=  21b=  20b1  17w1  15w1  10b0    1   6.0
       12  CENTAUR                       4w0  11b1   6w0   3b0  27w1  23b=  15w0  14b=    r1  22w1  21b1    0   6.0
 15.   11  ISICHESS 2.5                  5b0  12w0   1b0    r1  22w1  21w=  17b1  19b1   3w0  26b=  13b=   -2   5.5
        8  SCHACH-3                      2w=   9b0   3w=   7b0  21b=  27w1  22w=  24b0  14w1  18b1  26w=    1   5.5
       26  INTERCHESS                   19b0    r1  14w1  10w0  15b0  20w1  13b0  21w=  18b1  11w=   8b=    0   5.5
       25  WOODPUSHER                   18w1  14b1  21b1   4w0   6w0   7b0  16w0  22b=  19w0  27b1    r1    0   5.5
 19.   19  BREAKTHROUGH II              26w1  20b1  16w0   2b0   3w=  18b1  10b0  11w0  25b1  21w=  15b0   -1   5.0
       24  HEUREKA                      17b0  27w1  23b=  21w1   1b0   3b0  18w1   8w1   5b0  13w0  20b=   -1   5.0
       21  PANDIX                       14w=  18b1  25w0  24b0   8w=  11b=  23w=  26b=  20w1  19b=  12w0    1   5.0
 22.   22  DIOGENES 3.0                 15b0  23w0  18b=  17w=  11b0    r1   8b=  25w=  27w1  12b0  14w=    1   4.5
       17  PATZER                       24w1  16b0  20w0  22b=  18w0  14b1  11w0  27b1  23b0    r1   7w0    0   4.5
       18  THE TURK                     25b0  21w0  22w=  14b1  17b1  19w0  24b0    r1  26w0   8w0  27b1    0   4.5
 25.   20  NIGHTMARE                    27b1  19w0  17b1   5w0  13w0  26b0    r1  23w0  21b0  14b=  24w=    0   4.0
       14  XXXX 2.0                     21b=  25w0  26b0  18w0    r1  17w0  27b1  12w=   8b0  20w=  22b=   -1   4.0
 27.   27  ANANSE                       20w0  24b0    r1   1w0  12b0   8b0  14w0  17w0  22b0  25w0  18w0    2   1.0

Further information available from Jos Uiterwijk's www page on computer chess

11) Kasparov to reign back appearances.

The significance of the International Tournament in Las Palmas in
December is becoming great with Kasparov's declaration that he will be
playing very few events in the coming months. After Las Palmas he will
play against Deep Blue in April and then Karpov in the Autumn. When in
London, according to Malcolm Pein in the Telegraph he said that he
thought the match was likely to take place outside Russia, for a
prizefund of around $2m. He is reported to have dropped his demand for
an advantage as Champion and if tied the match will be settled by speed
playoff games.

The Las Palmas event will see Kasparov and Karpov play their first games
since 1994 and has the following entries::

Kasparov (2785) , Karpov (2775) , Kramnik (2765) , Ivanchuk (2730) ,
Topalov (2750) and Anand (2735). Only Gata Kamsky (2745) could have
strengthened the event.

The event is a double round robin (quadruple round robin would have
turned it into an all time great event.) and should produce some great

Kasparov's business and political interests are such that it is
conceivable that this might be the last chance for the younger title
aspirants have for a long time. Kasparov might even choose to retire for
some time if he beat Karpov in a match.

12) The Czech System - 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6!? - Part III
By Marco R. Martini (ITA) - Email:
                          - WWW  : htpp://

Third part of a theoretical study of the Czech System.

1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6 4.Be3
   [4.Bf4 Qa5 5.Bd2 e5 6.Nf3 exd4 7.Nxd4 Qb6 8.Nf3 Be7 9.Bd3 Na6 10.Na4
   Qc7 11.Qe2 0-0 12.0-0 b5 13.Nc3 Nc5= Piza,D-Strikovic,A Ibercaja (op)
   [4...b5 5.a3 (5.f3 Qc7 6.Qd2 a6 7.g4 h5 8.g5 Nfd7 9.f4 e5 10.Nf3 Bb7
   11.Bg2 b4 12.Ne2 c5 13.d5 exf4 14.Nxf4 g6 15.c4 Bg7 16.0-0 0-0 17.Rf2
   Nb6 18.Qe2 N8d7 19.Raf1 a5 20.b3 a4 21.e5 dxe5 22.Nxh5 Nc8 23.Nh4 Nd6
   24.Nf6+ Nxf6 25.gxf6 Bh8 26.Qg4 Bc8 27.Qg3 Kh7 28.Qg5 Ra6 29.Qh6+ Kg8
   30.Nxg6 fxg6 31.Qxg6+ Bg7 1-0 Dukaczewski,P-Faraj,Y/32nd ol, Yerevan
   ARM (05) 1996) Nbd7 6.Nf3 e5 7.Be2 Bb7 8.0-0 Be7 9.Nh4 g6 10.f4 0-0=
   Erler,R-Pribyl,M Germany 1993]
   [4...Qc7 5.f3 e5 6.Nge2 Be7 7.g4 h6 8.Qd2 b5 9.dxe5 dxe5 10.Ng3 Na6
   11.Nf5 Bxf5 12.gxf5 Rd8 13.Qf2 Qa5 14.Bd3 Nb4 15.Qe2 Nxd3+ 16.cxd3 b4
   17.Nd1 Nh5 Gomez Baillo,J-Vassallo,M Benidorm (op) 1992]
     A) 5.Bd3 e5 6.dxe5 (6.Nf3 Bg4 7.h3 Bh5 8.g4 Bg6 9.Bd2 Qc7 10.Qe2
      Nbd7 11.0-0-0 0-0-0= Hamad,K-Takahashi,T Novi Sad (ol) 1990)
      dxe5 7.Nf3 Bb4 8.Bd2 Bg4 9.a3 Be7 10.Nd5 Qd8 11.Nxe7 Qxe7 12.h3 Bh5
      13.0-0 Nbd7 14.b4 0-0= Diederichen,D-Dengler,N Bargteheide (op)
     B) 5.f3 b5 (5...e5 6.Nge2 Nbd7 7.Qd2 b5 8.Nc1 Qc7 9.a3 Be7 10.d5
      a6 11.dxc6 Qxc6 12.Nb3 Qc7 13.g4 Bb7 14.0-0-0 0-0 15.h4 Nc5 16.g5
      Nxb3+ 17.cxb3 Nd7 18.Kb1 +/- Schnaebele,U-Breutigam,M Germany 1990
      ) 6.a3 b4 7.axb4 Qxb4 8.Ra3 Be6 9.Qa1 Qb7 10.Bd3 «-«
      Seet,C-Mira,H Manila (W ol) 1992)]
     A) 5.g4 h6 6.h3 e5 7.a4 Qa5 8.Bg2 Nb6 9.Nge2 Nc4 10.Bc1 Qc7 11.0-0
      Be7 12.b3 Nb6 13.Ng3= Meyer,Fr-Theel,T Germany 1992;
     B) 5.Qd2 Ng4 6.Bg5 h6 7.Bh4 g5 8.Bg3 Bg7 9.f3 Ngf6 10.0-0-0 b5
      11.h4  unclear Boe,M-Jaksland,T Denmark 1992;
     C) 5.f4 Nb6 (5...e5 6.dxe5 dxe5 7.fxe5 Nxe5 8.Qxd8+ Kxd8 9.0-0-0+
      Kc7 10.Bf4 Bd6 11.Kb1 Bg4 12.Nf3 Bxf3 13.gxf3 Nh5 14.Be3 Ng6 15.Bh3
      Rhd8 16.Ne2 Nhf4= Lys,J-Adamek,Z Praga 1992) 6.Nf3 Ng4 7.Bg1 d5
      8.e5 h5 9.Bd3 Nh6 10.Bf2 Bf5 11.Bxf5 Nxf5 12.0-0 e6=
      Rahls,P-Breustedt,W Bad Woerishofen (op) 1993;
     D) 5.h3 e5 6.Nf3 Be7 7.a4 (7.Be2 0-0 8.0-0 b5 9.a3 Bb7 10.Nh2 a5
      11.dxe5 dxe5 12.Ng4 Qc7 13.Bg5 Rfe8= Zigura,O-Adamek,Z Pardubice
      (op) 1992) 0-0 8.Be2 b6 9.0-0 Qc7 10.Nd2 a6 11.f4 Bb7 12.dxe5
      dxe5 13.Nc4 b5 14.fxe5 Nxe5 15.axb5 cxb5 16.Nxe5 Qxe5 17.Qd4 Bd6
      18.Qxe5 Bxe5 19.Bd3 Rfe8 =+ Korsunsky,Y-Sokolov,A Mosca 1992]
5.Rb1 Ng4 6.Bg5 e5 7.Nf3 h6 8.Bh4 Nd7 9.Be2 Qc7 10.0-0 Ngf6 11.a4 Be7
12.dxe5 dxe5 13.Bg3 0-0 14.Nd2 Bb4 15.f4 Bxc3 16.bxc3 Nc5 17.fxe5 Nfxe4
18.Nxe4 Nxe4 19.Qd3 Nxg3 20.Qxg3 Be6 =+ Bauer,P-Pribyl,J Berlino (op)